20 / 26
Jun 2022

Bruh, that's like the first couple of chapters in my case.

But I actually want it that way, tbh. It sucks there isn't going on that much in my story, but my readers don't seem bothered by it. It's all for the sake of introducing and establishing my characters to the audience. And once the action starts, I hope that the readers who stayed all this time around will be rewarded for their patience with my slow pace work.:cry_swag:

I feel like I've read stories that worked around that by mixing & alternating scenes within a chapter. Rather like a movie can flick from the action at one locale to that in another at either the same or even a different time.

I like to pepper little interesting convos in every episode I make. Just something that makes a person go "Oh wow, I didn't know that!" or make people go "Oh wow... I wish I didn't know that".

So whenever I'm doing an exposition, I'm like "OKAY! WHAT JOKE/FACT/FORESHADOWING CAN I DROP TODAY?!?"

This makes the slow moments so bearable.

i just push through when I feel like it’s not as good a part in the story, because I’ve been doing this long enough to know that there are always highs and lows, and the latter are just part of the whole

1 month later

closed Jul 18, '22

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