9 / 59
Oct 2020

Telekinesis/Psychokinesis: if you could move things with your mind then you are exerting an outside force that negates the laws of physics on an object, like creating an opposing gravitational force on an boulder that would in return make it move to your will(Basically controlling the object's gravity to move it without contact.) If that is true then since gravity and time work hand in hand, then if you create a gravity field to move something then the time of that object would be altered as well. you could move yourself and slow your passage of time as well there for making you age slower or faster.

What is water? Water is the liquid form of the compound known as H2O. if you can control the H2O then you could control the various forms that water can become, like a gas or solid. if you create a gas from water you could create pressure, creating enough pressure can crush anything even titanium. if you create a solid from water then you can create a bade of H2O thinner then carbon nano-tubes, a bade so thin could literally slice through the molecules in an object, effectively "Phasing" through the object or just slice the object in two. the only thing that can resist the blade would be a crystalline structure. also since water can not be compressed then you and use it to support any object of any wight in mid air.

Regeneration: you could regenerate your body in a new form or have adaptations for new environments. better yet if this is a supper power universe you could adapt your body to create organs that allow you to use other new powers.

Ok, we humans are beings of patterns and habit. if you have perfect hindsight then you could apply what you have learned in a previous situation to a similar situation. if you had perfect memory as well then there will come a point in your life that you would have extreme pre-hindsight, you would be able to know what will happen even before it happens because you have so much experience in similar situations.
Think of it as perfect deja vu.

If the situational knowledge is perfect then the knowledge would be incredibly useless unless you were in a specific field with very consistent input -> output. Also, Assume you don't also have perfect memory. But that doesn't change the fact that you could learn from it. Basically, 2+2 will always equal 4. but you're gambling on roulette and the wrong number comes up. You should have put it on that number instead. Doesn't really help you in the future lol So the more random the outputs the les useful hindsight would be.

Reconstruction in the form of Legos. (You can restore something but the restored parts take the form of Legos. This could work on people but it will replace the restored part with Legos)

when you assimilate something you either fully understand information or ideas or use something as fuel for further existence. Now if you do that to souls then you could use multiple people as little possessors to increase your thinking power or harvest souls to keep you alive. better yet you could use the souls as fuel to copy your soul back into that body and create legion from the comics or be like Agent Smith from the matrix.