15 / 75
Feb 2021

This. This is what i mean. Usually medium grows along with the viewers. But anime doesn’t....

Feel free to recommend me :grin:

When you see my favorite above they tend to be non mainstream also. But it feels difficult to continue to watch anime when the general sense of the medium still stuck orz

Uhh I'm in my mid-20's, I'm still watching it. Probably way too much at once tbh but that's the result of low standards and a lot of free time lol I think I started watching current shows around 2017. As much as I enjoy it for what it is nowadays, I can also understand why you wouldn't wanna keep up with it anymore.

Quite frankly, a lot of it is aimed at teens. They're not looking for the most character-driven shows. When one does happen to come out, that's usually thanks to the writer doing more than the bare minimum. The original material for these anime adaptations in manga, light novels, and web novels already exist in a competitive world so everything's gotta catch readers fast with stuff that works and has been proven to sell. Guess what works quickly and sells quickly? Familiar tropes and fanservice, whether that's cute or sexy. I'm not a fan of cheap low-effort appeal like this, but I tend to look past it for shows that I believe are worth my time.

I could try to recommend some shows from the past few years that might be suited to your tastes if you're down for that~

I agree to disagree on that since majority just seems to be like Disney (performative in one hand delivering a mediocre product whlist being able to bend to a knee and not doing much, Mulan remake...) or just bad...plain bad and dull

Damn, I guess Im going the cliche route,

promised neverland (manga's just ended and its so far a good thriller. A thiller of a time.)

If I'm going slice of life aggresko . (hate office life)

If I'm going Romance

I want to eat your pancreas (name is the few funny things about it)

Ace attorney (is good adaptation of the games)

Japan Sinks (what the hell but its intresting)

Beastares (best of the animal genre)

Natsume book of friends (wholesoem asf)

Bloom into you ( a good romance heard it from a friend)

Ancient Magus bride ( a western style monster, fairies and alot of strangeness)

Cells at work (if you want to be educated in biology for some reason)

Steins Gate (good adaptaion of the VN)

Kaguya-sama Love is war (Im not a fan of romance in genearal but I found this one very funny first season)

Yeah good luck

I guess I'm a complete outlier, I began watching anime in mid-teens and I'm no less into it in my mid-twenties lmaoooo :rofl:

I mean, my approach towards anime as a medium has changed a bit - back then, I just wanted escapism and entertainment, today I approach it from a more analytical/critical perspective. But it's important to note by "critical" I don't mean "find things to hate about it". It's more like... trying to examine why it works, what makes it affect me the way it does. But sometimes I just want to chill and watch something that doesn't require much thinking, and that's fine too.

There are some genres I don't like that much anymore despite watching them a lot when I was young, and there were years when I watched barely, if any anime. But right now, I can't see myself growing out of anime anytime soon. As long as there are older interesting shows I haven't watched (and there are still entire decades I haven't explored! like, so far I only watched a handful of pre-2000 anime, and this needs to change), and they keep making new ones, I'll probably keep watching anime.

Yeah as I’ve gotten older I’ve just completely lost the interest and patience I had for it. I still read manga a lot though but to the same degree that I read comics in general because the medium is my livelihood so I try to keep the flow of input going into my brain. I like that I can read a ton at once or just a little at a time on my downtime.

But anime (and honestly TV in general) I don’t have a lotta time to engage with. Most shows i “watch” I can only have on and listen to passively while I work and anime (and animation in general) doesn’t lend itself well to that type of limited engagement.

I think it’s also due to my internalized struggle that i judge asian medium more harshly since they tend to mirror how everyday asian people act also and i want them to be better or atleast try.
Yes please feel free to recommend to me :grin:

NormalIy I watch anime to relax and not to be in critic mode. Good? Bad? I don't care, as long it's enjoyable to me. (if it's not my type i just stop watching it)

I'm not a fomo type of person, so I did "miss" out a lot of good popular series... not because they're bad... No i don't want to be mentally invested on too much series, can be exhausting (and also time). So i be selective and limit myself to 3~5 series per season (normally) and that's okay.

I now watch 3 isekai series, 2 epic action thrillers, 3 science series & 1 furry anime. (I just can't help liking this season) In general, I still love animes. :kissing_heart:

I don’t count disney since they are virtue-signal champion. But it’s disney, and overall quality may not be my that good but atleast they try, even though it’s bad.
Hey i’ve already watched steins gate, natsume :grin: thank’s for the recommendation i’ll check them out :relaxed:

There's still a ton of anime I love and think and talk about daily but anime specifically (I still read manga) is something that just doesn't hit like it used to. After I turned 19, I kinda tuned out mostly.
Now I'm 21 and it's not all that different.


I am actually blown away by this show, because it's made me feel like I'm 14 again, waiting every week for the new episode to drop.
I still don't watch much anime save for JJK and AOT, but this feeling is nice.

I've not grown out of anime but I've definitely got less time for watching shows just because hype or because everyone else is. I'm a lot more, tried it, didn't like it, dropped it and not really giving things the benefit of the doubt for very long. I've only got so much time and I don't want to watch the same plot again and again unless it's a really good take on it. It's also not that surprising people grow out of anime since the vast majority of anime every season is aimed at teenage boys. You gotta dig for those aimed at adults but not porn animes, it's frustrating.

That said, this season (so far because we all know how quickly a show can take a dive down hill ) has been fantastic for some really great anime with some interesting concepts. Wonder Egg Priority is a trippy horror psychological thing dealing with mental health and bullying among other things. Otherworld Picnic is urban/internet legends based. And SK∞ is a fantastically done pretty straight forward sports anime for skateboarding.

I don't really watch anime anymore. I kinda miss it, I haven't found any anime that I like recently. But that could change any minute if I find something that I like :smiley:

I pretty much grew out of anime in my late teens. I tried to hold on longer than I should have, but so much of it was so hard to watch that I couldn't get through it. (The blatant sexualization of really young looking characters, weird dynamics, etc.) I do still watch some anime, but usually the more popular/mainstream series, whereas before I would watch anything that looked cute. I think 12 year old me thought that anything cute would be fairly innocent, but boy did I quickly learn that was wrong. :flushed:

I really wish I could get back into it and I hope that someday I find a series that really speaks to me!

Well, here are some recent ones:

Nichijou (A brilliant random slice-of-life comedy; probably the best showcase of Japanese humor I've ever seen. It also has a subtle plotline throughout that's very sweet. Recently it got an English dub, but as I only watched the first 5-ish episodes of it I can't vouch for it yet.)

The Rolling Girls (A coming-of-age story that takes the form of an action-adventure road trip. I'm still a bit sour about it...I wanted a straight-up action anime and didn't get it. ^^; But the all the characters were so sweet and enjoyable anyway. Highlights are animation style and character design, and the music is fantastic.)

Black Rock Shooter (Pure unadulterated EDGE in anime form. XD Also, the mechanics of the story are a bit confusing...but it's an old favorite of mine for the raw emotion of the story beats, and the amazing action scenes that made excellent use of 3D animation before it was cool (and sadly, rarely gets credit for that). Here I'm speaking of the 10-episode TV anime; BRS has a few different incarnations-- the history of the concept is actually pretty interesting)

KARAS (Speaking of edge...Karas is probably the most mature anime I've ever watched. Thankfully, it's 'mature' in the sense that it takes itself seriously, and not just in the sense that it has a lot of blood and violence (and it does~). It's ridiculously obscure, and could easily have fallen through the cracks...I'm really thankful that I got to see it and love it. ^^)

Princess Principal (A steampunk science-fiction series (which is supposed to be receiving a sequel movie in two months...it keeps getting delayed ;_;) about teenage spies. It's probably the most fanservicey of everything I've listed, but nowhere near enough to detract from its amazing heartfelt storytelling and action scenes. The English dub is particularly delightful; it's not perfect, but it's clear that they put an unusual amount of effort into the accents and casting, and I actually prefer watching it because the many English characters actually speak English. ^^; A little less suspension of disbelief, y'know?)

Houseki no Kuni/Land of the Lustrous (A very unique fantasy series, and my current favorite modern anime. You may find yourself a bit bored with the first 2 episodes, but keep watching; I promise it gets better and better. ^^ Unfortunately, we don't have a Season 2 to look forward to atm, but since it was well received, and the manga (which is equally incredible) seems to be coming to a close, I have a good feeling that we'll see more of the gems someday in the future.)

Wonder Egg Priority (This one is actually ongoing. ^^; It's a psychological action series, and basically 'Trigger Warning: the anime'. Seriously, if you're particularly sensitive to any sort of abuse/suicide-related content, you should probably avoid it entirely. But if you can stomach that, so far it seems to be a brilliant show with lovable characters and messages (and spectacular animation!). Since it's not over, I can't technically recommend it, but so far I have a good feeling about it, and this late in the game I'm rarely wrong.)

I love old shows, I love new shows. You just need to know where to look for the adult stuff. There’s plenty of it

I’ve watched nichijou, karas and they’re pretty good :joy: i’ve watched an episode or two of houseki no kuni and didn’t continue just when i’ve stopped watching all anime lmao, i guess i’ll check it out gain with the others. Thanks you :joy:

You'll get back into it. Part of getting older is realizing the things that you liked as a kid are still cool to like and the only reason you didn't like them in your early 20s anymore is because people looked down on you for it. I stopped watching anime around 20 as well. Now I'm 32 and It's non-stop Dragonball and Naruto all over again

Eh, i like children shows/cartoon a lot though and i’m not ashamed of liking them. It’s just the general feeling isn’t for me anymore i guess, or i just need looking for gems like i usually did years ago. I liked naruto then and still find so many problems with it then, not because it is childish but the female characters are handled badly :joy: