25 / 41
Aug 2022

I want to do witch :jack_o_lantern:
EDIT: I may not actually be able to participate according to the rules, but WHAT THE HEY I'M GONNA DRAW IT ANYWAY AND SOMEONE ELSE CAN TAKE THE ACTUAL SLOT

I'm going to sound like a total noob, but... what does DPI mean?

Dot per inch
the number of printed dots contained within one inch of an image
More dots= file of bigger size and resolution

Also is there any space for ghost hunter? (though, I kind of want to do it rather with "Priest/cleric" interpretation as they exorcist ghosts and evil spirits)

Thanks for the artistic break! Someone else can officially take the witch slot, but here's Nightmare and Dream as kids in cute costumes! Nightmare is actually scared of real cats, but he could never be scared of Dream!

Werewolf, zombie, alien, evil robot, vampire hunter, werewolf hunter, demon hunter, and witch hunter

I'll take Demon hunter. Taro is a yokai himself, but he kills the evil ones to avenge his parents.

14 days later
11 days later