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Oct 2020

Hello Tapas Talent,

I just uploaded the first episodes of my new graphic novel 'Doomu' (link below) which is entirely hand painted, so I thought I'd try a thread about that and connect over hand painted comics.

I love all the amazing techniques and digital art on show here, some incredible effects achieved especially with light, but I do got a soft spot for the old fashioned hand painted technique. Are you uploading a hand painted comic? Is there a hand painted comic u crazy about and want to share? Look forward to chat about it,

With high regard most faithful, Sheridan James Lunt


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    Oct '20
  • last reply

    Oct '20
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@sheridanjameslunt - Wow, the colors in your comic are just wonderful. There's a nice 'stained glass' look throughout, especially in the pub scene. Cheers for putting together such a beautiful hand-painted work using traditional tools. What did you use to color this?

Hey thanks for checking out my stuff. these pages are watercolours, but I paint them pretty thick, use them more like acrylic. gives that deep colour.

look forward to reading borrowed faces, love the concept

Yup, I do! Though, it's colored with copic markers and not paint. Constantly improving the art as I publish episodes

Hah I traditionally draw my comic, but it's not painted, unfortunately.

Lost Honey4 is a fun watercolor comic I've been enjoying. I'm a sucker for the soft, vibrant colors and soft linework.

There was also a comic I read back in the day that was half watercolor and half digital that was an enjoyable read, although it's been long discontinued. Toilet Genie (Unfortunately you can only read the whole thing on Smackjeeves)

Another watercolor comic, and one that is possibly on indefinite hiatus. It's good if you're into LGBT+ slice-of-life, dramas.

Yet another discontinued comic. This one was mixed media, colored with inks then finished off in Photoshop. I never got around to reading this one so I don't know much about it outside the the description.

thanks for the share, watercolours are my colour of choice too, such gorgeousness. gonna check these out tomorrow!

Pick me! Pick me!

I write a hand drawn and painted comic. I love the vibrancy of watercolor, plus while I enjoy looking at digital art, I could never get into making it. :sweat_smile:

Here are my links, both on tapas and webtoon. It's about a girl who rents a farm because she's obsessed with farming sim games and it's very silly.

I tend to use my colours very deep and saturated too.

I checked out your first episode and hit sub right away! Very excited for this. I'm curious about what kind of paints/paper you use and what size you work at. I've honestly been wanting to have this conversation with someone for AGES, but it's hard to find other traditional webcomics artists.

Also, do you hand letter? That's the major thing I do digitally. I do not have nice enough printing to hand letter.

I draw my comic with marker and some backgrounds with watercolors (although I combine them digitally). I feel like I'm much faster, drawing it with markers. My colors are very fibrant but I'm still learning, which colors fit best and so far I'm not that happy with them. I feel like, when everything is fibrant and detailed, the focus gets lost... So I still have a lot to learn ^^'

As an example. Here I like the coloring on the first but the second one... not so much :,D

I really like the brightness of your colors!

I think one of the hard things about working in marker is that most markers are midtones, so it takes time to build up a collection that allows you to work at a full dynamic range, between the lightest lights and darkest darks. First pack of Copics I ever bought was their lightest of lights "blending" pack, because I knew I was going to want some "barely there" colors, and I think that's the area they really excel in compared to other brands, is those lightest shades. What brands are you using in your work?

Looking at your two pages, I think the one you like has the more harmonious color palette? I think in the second one, the way there's only that really bright green and blue, right at the border at the top of the comic is a little distracting, especially since it doesn't carry through the rest of the page. That being said though, overall, I think your color is phenomenal. It's so hard to do what you are doing so well! Especially getting everything all on the same page. I have to admit, one of the reasons I love webtoon and tapas is because you don't have to compose pages, but instead, just a one directional scroll. I find it WAY easier. So kudos to you for that!

Hello Emmy, thanks so much for the share, look forward to read yr work.

I'm using ink and watercolour. the ink drawing is A3 size, and then I get it printed onkjet giclee A4 size and colour the print. bit of a process. looks like you using pens? and watercolour

the text is all hand drawn, bit shonky, but does the trick.

Yeah, I'm pretty mixed media. Ink work is done primarily with a dip pen, though I do smaller details with microns/fine liners, since I have a bit of a hand tremor. Basically anything I REALLY don't want to mess up, but I like the line weight the dip pen gives me for everything else.

I just don't have the patience for starting over :laughing:

Intellectually, I know something like that would be a good idea, but I just can't afford to add more steps to everything I'm already doing, plus I always am JUST getting the comic in by the deadline.

I have enough opaque paint pens and gouache that I've decided to just make corrections as needed, but mostly stay on the same paper. Haven't had to completely throw out a panel yet though I feel like I'm cursing myself saying that, lol.

Watercolors are crazy fun! If I were to draw a more surreal/experimental comic I would probably go for that medium since my color mixing isn't at all consistent.