4 / 27
Feb 2021

I've come to really like the forums on here. It reminds me a lot of the old days of Deviantart. Just curious if anyone has already made a discord? I know a discord may seem redundant since tapas has this forum in the first place but I feel like there could be some real potential. Personally for me, I think it would be easier to see discussions/replies.
If no one has made one I would consider doing so.

  • created

    Feb '21
  • last reply

    Apr '21
  • 26


  • 1.8k


  • 12


  • 34


  • 5


The first one has:

*A medieval theme with the roles
*Both a Read for Read and Promo for promo section
*Different advertising channels for different genres
*Different channels to just goof off

The second one has:
*Promo, Cross promo, and other promos channels ( the last part is where you promote other projects outside of Tapas)
*A brainstorming area where you can get feedback, exchange ideas and suggest stuff for the server
*A bot that gives newsfeeds about Tapas events

The second one doesn't seem very active unfortunately. I guess discord servers suffer from the problem of people only joining to self promote and not actually interact with anyone.

Woah,, lots of Discord related topics lately,,

I have one, but it's focused on sequential art in general so we have a mix of webtoon artists, manga artists, and novelists. If you're looking for a Tapas based community, the Tapas Dreams one TheGreatArtisan linked is great, imo

Thanks for asking this question! I've been wondering the same, myself. This community is awesome, it's pretty rare that I feel so much a part of something so quickly after joining. I love it here.

I just joined Tapas Dreams, I'll see you there!

Is the first one more active than the second? I'd honestly like to actually chat about comics rather than just self-promoting once a week, but it seems like people don't really chat much and it makes me feel shy...

I'm the creator of the first one, and I am making an active effort to try and make it more active :slight_smile:

It felt like I just read active a bunch of times even though it has been used 3-4 times XD

I think there was one for LGBT+ folks, the owner posts about it here on the forums occasionally.

I'm in the Tapas dreams server, and I'm also in this server (Carpe Librum Society) that's more writer-focused. Everyone's welcome, of course, but the server's structured to cater to writers more than artists.

an old (now deleted) server I was in had a bot set up to track your "xp" (like how much you typed in the server) and you had to reach a certain amount in order to promote so people couldn't just dump their comic links and run. i kinda wish more servers would do that tbh :pensive:

We have a bot that keeps track of xp, but we just clean our sys area every two weeks, so those who appear just to advertise once quickly lose their sharing spot.