8 / 30
Feb 2024

My story is about talking snowmen who fight and kill. The snowmen live in a world of their own and have remained so for over a thousand years since the downfall of Vanderbilt the Tyrant, a snowman ruler who abused his position with incompetence. After his defeat, a group of fanatical religious leaders known as the Nine Elders took over, and went on to force their oppressive policies onto the snow world’s population. Despite appearing to be a utopia at first glance, the snow world is thus a brutal theocratic dystopia, with the Elders being on the top of the social ladder, the priests being in the middle and the lower rungs being occupied by everybody else. The priests are the only snowmen in the snow world who are allowed to wear top hats or scarves (they are status symbols) and they are also the only ones allowed to own property, even if their property is limited to the priestly barracks (each elder has a yurt of their own). Snowmen get taught to read at some point in their “childhoods” - this term is used fairly loosely since they become sentient upon entering the snow world fully grown. A snowman can only enter the snow world if he has been melted by the sun, and if he melts down in fire, he will just die. The snowmen used to know how to make permafrost and coat themselves in it so that they could last longer outside of the snow world, but as time went on and as their culture became more isolationist they forgot how to make permafrost. Similarly to the hobbits in Tolkien’s legendarium, very few species by the present time know they even exist and think of them as comic buffoons in children’s tales.

My webtoons feature angels and demons. "Fantasy"?

Some religious or spiritual people will disagree and say they're real as the religious texts say.

Then there's another camp that says don't take it too literally it's all figurative and symbolic. It's consciousness vs ego.

And an atheist will say it is all fantasy.

It's all up to you...

The year is 202X... And the world gets sunk deeper and deeper into illusion. More and more pain and suffering ensues as a result. And it will only get worse...

Action, supernatural, drama, fantasy, science fiction, philosophy

In the world of Raikiri, Angels and Spartoi essentially opposing genders of the same race.
While the Angels have white wings, the Spartoi were known for black wings and were seemingly created solely to fight, with a wild bloodlust and a body that recovers quickly from poison or injury.
The legend is that the God Vulcan planted them as dragons' teeth to combat a looming enemy.
(I'm sure that won't come into play).

However, the Spartoi have no sex drive so Angels have to bribe them with a dowery to help bear children.
The male Spartoi are sent to live with their fathers, while Angel daughters stay with their mother.
Some genetic defects do spring up, with male Angels and female Spartoi, which when they do are often outcasts in their respective societies, though female Spartoi (called Amazons) are more accepted in the Spartoi culture of fighting and violence. However, the Angel are well-regarded for being extremely prejudiced against outsiders, so anyone but pure breed Angels are accepted. A mother who chooses to raise a child of another race, or Venus forbid male in their society is shunned or even cast out of their village.

Unfortunately, the Spartoi tendency to pick fights with anyone who breathes at them wrong led to a war that nearly caused the extinction of both races. The legend says that the fighting grew so intense that the Goddess Neptune literally severed their country in half and banished the Spartoi to the Eastern Oceans, stripping them of their wings.
Because of this, the Angel began a tradition of migration to Sparta when they came of age to make babies with their Spartoi cousins.

Things are way cooler in the modern setting of the story though.
The current generation of Angels is more tolerant of other cultures, leading to an anti-Empress movement within the society.
Plus some sick Rock music came out of it.
Spartoi however are nearly extinct; picked a fight with the wrong nation and the resulting war has left them dwindling in number, forcing Angel's mating with other races more socially acceptable in the desperate climate, but some are still dicks about it.

My series set in the fantasy world of Eigria. It is one big lore, but I'll limit it to those which significant in Lume.

Humans are divided into magic user and non-magic user, and their power classified by their hair and eyes color (most humans have same color). Although most of humans can use magic, some are affected by their land's rune power (like in Valria, almost no magic is used because the land lacks of rune). There are also some whose power is not affected by rune, for example, the purple colored which power is precognitive dreams or reading minds (the source is humans, not rune).

Eigria is maintained and guarded by the Eigria Guardian, a group of immortals assigned by God of Life. For smaller autonomies, Land Lords/Ladies are assigned by the Guardian for each land (can be small/big, depends on Eigria Guardian's decision). The Land Lord can be anything --ex-humans, animals, ghosts, etc.

My story revolves around the Land Lord and my MC is a human with purple color.

I have some unique traits in my world. The world of Legends
Orcs for example: they are the only humanoid species with evolution, indigenous to the planet the story plays.

humans come from another world and elves from another planet and dwrves origin is unknown.
Elves can hear very good but can close their ears if it gets too loud (will be a funny moment in the coming chapters).

In the game of Spiral Knights, Gremlins are a faction of enemies responsible for building all constructs/machines that you have to fight, and were once charged with protecting the Clockworks from invaders. Unfortunately, that's really all the game lets you in on; how their civilization works is vague at best, and while there are some named NPCs or bosses, you don't get to learn much about them or their backstory.

SO, as with most everything in my novel so far, I've gone and made their lore much more expansive and interesting as I could. Gremlins are rat-dog looking fellas with a knack for technology, and some can go a little mad if they're prevented from exercising their mind or creativity. They prefer to use tools over outright weapons to fight with, and while they excel in lowlight conditions, their sensitive vision makes it difficult for most to survive on the surface of Cradle, their homeworld(?). Most Gremlins reside in The Great Colony, hidden within the Clockworks, and three major clans are tasked with protecting the three 'tiers' of the Clockworks: The Tenderfoot, Ironclaw, and Darkfang Clans.

As for their leaders, The Nine, they are what the most elite Gremlins are referred to as in the game; a council of Gremlins that are masters of different trades: designing and building just about anything, combat and waging warfare, assassination and stealth, culture or recordkeeping, etc. Players only see 2 of these council members in the game, and there are but whispers of a King who may or may not even exist, but for the sake of my story, he resides on a throne hidden from everyone, including all Gremlins save for The Nine. What his goals are, what he wishes for-- well, that would be a spoiler.


Hi everyone! This is our first manga. We're aiming to reach the initial milestone of 25 subscribers; every bit of help is appreciated. We thank everyone who lends us a hand.

The Chronicles of Daskfur: In this action fantasy set in a fantasy world, follow our protagonist as she struggles to become the first female governor of the island of Daskfur. The journey toward achieving this goal will be anything but simple.

Even though I haven't shown it in the story yet, in my world the gods had fun for years, getting drunk, f#cking all the girls and teleporting between worlds, which lead to the Realm Rupture, the emergence of the dimensional passages between worlds.

There is many weird shit in my lore like nobles getting cucked by gods, who only granted magic to their chilndren, not just to their followers.

If you want to see something fresh, you might like my story about the Mind Sorceress, who was reborn as a.. boy? Check it out: Mind Over Death1

I'll assume Urban Fantasy counts.

There's no fantasy world here nor fantasy races.
What there is, is the mysterious force known as Ánima Corporea (Corporeal Souls). A spiritual manifestation of one's soul (In my story the soul is represented as the culmination of someone's experiences in life and their most intimate desires and ambitions).
Each Ánima takes the form of one animal (It can be ANY animal) each one unique, like the power they give to their user.

But no one, at least the common folk, have no idea of their existence. In the perspective of the protagonists they just manifested recently and haven't been a thing before.
Without spoiling things that I didn't reveal yet, the main antagonist and his associates do know a LOT about them and can use them perfectly (There's this thing about the Ánima being hard to control when you just got it).
There's actually a lot more, like some strange keys that the antagonists use. Which are revealed what they can do in Chapter 8. But that's enough I think.

Honestly, after writing this I noticed my story wasn't as simple as I wanted it to be, haha!

Just for ease of understanding, the world setting is similar to My Hero Academia.

An enormous black orb collides with the planet giving some individuals supernatural abilities. A fanbase of a famous comic series become militarized and plan to control the country

Please, come check it out!

Echoes of the Void is a fantasy story with a lot of different beings. The vampires in my story can eat as much garlic as they want, it has no effect on them :3 They are not weak to much things, and very hard to kill (unless they are turned vampires), the pure born vampires even have powers and are not affected by the sun at all.
500 years prior to when the story takes place there was an event that almost destroyed the world, which was caused by a vampire :3 Everything that happens is kind of in the shadow of that.

Here's mine!

Human Yet Hybrid(Fantasy/Action/Comedy)
About two circletique sorcerers, one named Edwina, and another named Ida, who were turned human and banished to another world by an evil witch (And Ida's mother,) Queen Vapor. It's up to them and some new friends along their journeys as they fight many foes that cross their path, and to find a way back home or make the world they're banished to their new one and defeat the evil queen.

Oh, I liked this thread :wink::cherry_blossom:

Sometimes I look at my novel and wonder if I'm writing romance or a story about fantasy and drama with tiny bits of (fluff) romance lol. There are a lot of fantasy elements like races and species, mostly involving the web the MC (Mine) is in and who he is among the chaos of (re)discovering love. Also, the world is based on mana and essence manipulations, which I blended with some real things like vibrations and more (especially physics and little things of biology) in real life hehe~
I kind of traveled very deep into the fantasy dimension along the novel, and there's also lots of action!🤭
(I'm holding myself to not give spoilers​:speaking_head:️)

The cover art hehe:


Novel (PT-BR): https://tapas.io/series/Complex-Love-PT-BR/info
Genres: BL; romance; comedy; fantasy; drama
Status: Ongoing
Updated every Wednesday and Saturday!

Mine is mainly fantasy with horror/thriller elements and a lot of mystery. It’s based in a hospital that helps look after demons, monster and creatures having a human doctor thrown into this strange place :smile:

Series inspired off fantasy horror with unsettling feelings and a cruel fate awaiting around every turn.

My graphic novel has some fantastic elements in it although it starts grounded (kinda) in the real world. Later on there will be some sweet Monkey on Kumiho action. The Monkey king is or course inspired by Sun Wu Kong. However my iteration deviates quite a bit from canon. (I'm currently rereading Journey to the west. I' like most people in the US know hime from the Stephen Waley Translation which I've known for awhile was Highly abridged so this time I'm reading the Wu translation). My Kumihos are based loosely on the Korean flavor of the nine-tailed fox spirit (There a different versions of this all over Asia) The Korean version is generally portrayed as a sneaky shapeshifter who bewitches people and eats they're livers. My particular Kumiho, however, has forsworn the livers of humans after a traumatic experience at the No Gun RI massacre and went on to convince a sizable portion of the Kumiho Community to follow her.

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