11 / 69
Jun 2021

Edit: Inserted “classic” in the title.

And about the new She-Ra I have only full respect for the original and well-done tell it told in its own way.
But that was the story of Sh-Ra
I’m a big fan of that!

But not this:

HAHA! That makes more sense.

Did they seriously try for a dark, gritty live-action He-man?! :rofl:

It um... wasn't gritty so much as... er... very silly and not much to do with the show it was based on at all...

Honestly it's a pretty entertaining "so bad it's good" movie to watch with friends and drinks.

Don't watch near as much tv as I used to, but that looks really hype! :open_mouth:

I really wanted them to do a He-Man spinoff of the new She-Ra, set in the same universe. That would have been so cool! But I get the appeal of continuing the original storyline and even using toys that didn't appear in the original cartoon; this is probably more for long-term fans than to get new people to enjoy it, anyway.

The live-action Masters of the Universe is hilarious cheese and I love it. I wish they'd have made a sequel to that one, but sadly it was such a big flop it killed the studio and got a bunch of other movies affected too (most notably the Cannon Films Spider-Man that was canceled, and the awful Superman IV)

This would have been really interesting. I would have loved to have seen what He-man might be like in that Noelle Stevenson She-Ra verse. It probably would have upset all the classic fans though, they were annoyed enough about She-ra wearing shorts! :rofl: Might have been nice to have had both versions exist alongside each other as different but valid interpretations. The She-Ra-verse one could have tried for a more modern re-imagining to complement this version's more purist approach to the designs, story and tone.
....Also I just wish there was more content for that She-Ra series, the final season felt like two seasons squeezed into one. :sweat_01:

Right on. The thing I'm most interested in is that Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin are 2 of the writers on this project. I've enjoyed their creative back and forth for years (where Marc tweaks Kevin's ideas to make them more interesting) and am finally excited to see that happen on a project.
Marc is the main reason I'll be tuning in.

I’m 100% behind this and was expecting that. But I think it is okay he didn't appear. The She-Ra story was strong enough on its own.

IMO the way She-Ra was told is not a way a He-Man story could be told. I see He-Man more as a braindead-Hulk-muscle-smash story where lore comes secondary. (Because that's how I played and remember him as a child)

And if they decide that this is a “Luke Skywalker ends as a hobo story” then I just hope that the show still will give me some power smash scenes.

I just realized that @darthmongoose series IS a perfect equilibrium between the new She-Ra and the classic He-Man storytelling!
(Am I right?)

Yo! Everyone!
Read this

It's... not really what I was aiming for?
I did grow up watching classic American saturday morning cartoons like He-Man, and Teenage Mutant Hero/Ninja Turtles (in the UK they were hero turtles, not ninja... they thought ninja sounded too violent for the BBC back then), and my art is partially influenced by Bronze Age Superhero comics... but I never really intended for Errant to be for children (which is why there's alcohol and all the characters are adults. Personally I feel like I'm more on the She-Ra side of things, deconstructing that kind of "good vs evil" story through a queer, feminist lens, but I guess I evoke the aesthetic of it a bit while doing so? :sweat_02:

Apparently Noelle wants to do a crossover Christmas Special between her She-Ra and this He-man.

Which I am all for if we get to see Mark Hamill Skeletor take care of two kids and a robotic puppy and learn about the magic of friendship and holidays from them like he did in the original.

I didn’t watch the new shera cause it didn’t interest me in any way besides “there’s lesbians” which is fine but it felt less like a cool progressive thing and more like a cash grab so I avoided it, I will prob do the same with the new heman till the full first season comes out and I hear more of it.

Yes the “look” is very traditional and the animation is well made like castlevania but just cause the animation is pretty dosnt mean the plots not gonna be a waste of time 🤷‍♀️ I dumped castlevania after the second session cause why would I watch anything without Dracul in it? Not to mention my immense disappointment on the lack of the castles screen time- that plays is suposed to be an enemy in itself but meh.

Pretty dosent always equal good.

True......may watch the first episode or two to give it a shot......

Hope the writers know what they are doing, that could bring a smile to my older brothers that grew up with it......

I'll call up DreamWorks and whoever currently owns the He-Man license and pitch my winning idea to them right away.

This sounds hilarious. I hope neither team changes their art style at all and we get a bizarre Kingdom Hearts esque mismatch where the incredibly gay anime-esque She-Ra cast in their pretty pink and purple outfits are all hanging out with these craggy macho He-Man dudes. :rofl: