25 / 40
Mar 2021

Hey. We all have to start somewhere, it's very difficult to get subs if we're not featured or what, so don't be too hard on you for that. Anyway just subbed !

My series needs 4 more followers to reach that goal. It seems kind of hard though, as I'm really lazy and I'm not really good at promoting.

Here it is, if it makes you curious:

Subbed, also really like that you used some music with your chapters, just makes the reading more fun :grin:

Here's mine a Historical-Fantasy BL

Thanks for your support ! I love using music, it's refreshing ! :smiley:
I just subbed back ! Ooooh story about royals ! Looks like I'm gonna love this !

Hey that's why I have made this post. Dunno why the road to 50 is that tricky right ?!
Anyway I just subbed. Hope other people on the thread will sub to you as well; It's important to give back. Thanks for your sub !

I've hardly got any, no one really looks at my kind of comic, the funny gag-a-day type strip:

Hi ! We're mutuals already ! We subbed to each other in a previous sub for sub post.
I hope other people from the thread will sub.

Yes he is.I'm helping him out to get more sub meeting up the milestone.Fingers crossed were able to do through this thread.

Thanks a lot for this thread! I missed my 25sub millestone cause my pc crashed ToT

If you are in the mood for something spooky, give this a try

Hey everyone here is my comics that i update every friday

I hope you will like it

Hi, which novel is taken in consideration for your milestone ? So I can help you with the sub for sub.