13 / 15
Mar 15

I want to see your free spirits and your weirdos. Texas and Chili are both considered kind of unusual for their families. Texas's family are a bunch of extremely patriotic first generation Texans, who love hunting and politics. Texas couldn't care less. She just wants to play with her cat and dye her hair weird colors. Chili's family are all professionals working 'suit and tie' jobs and sometimes owning businesses. He's the ONLY artist in his family, and though they love him, they find him kinda weird.

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Eugene is considered weird or crazy by most everyone except his family. He acts a lot more chill around them. His dad’s kinda of old and frail and his mom has dementia. He had an older sister but she died to a drunk driver when he was ten. I randomly came up with all his family lore in the shower once like it’s not super plot relevant.

Ian is definitely considered a weirdo by his two living relatives. He constantly disappears into the library, his room, or the gardens. He refuses to do anything useful (willingly) And he likes reading old dusty books.

Victor is pretty different from both his mom and dad as well as his stepfamily. They all love him but do find him a little strange.

I swear it’s like the chances of a mcdonalds ice cream machine to be working for my images to actually upload or not
Finally- does anyone else struggle with uploading images?

i constantly struggle with uploading, you're not alone. sounds you like writing your odd-ones out.

tbh, most of my characters aren't considered that weird by their families, though it often depends on which relative you're talking to lol

Obviously his rage tantrums are weird :laughing: look at everyone's reactions

They hate to see a man with nice hobbies it seems.

Suen is very normal for her family, they have a bit of a reputation for being the closest thing this tiny wet 19th century town has to the Addams Family (there’s rumors one of her great-grandparents was the same species as Ea), so they don’t think twice about any of the weird stuff she does. Just about everyone else she knows find her and her father a bit odd.. probably not as much as they should, though. To be fair, I’d overlook someone eating dead fish they found on the beach, not blinking, and keeping her teeth in a jar under her floor if she helped with the yardwork, too.

Weird and crazy is one of the best ways to describe Jones Bryant. He's also really annoying to the people he doesn't like but that's what makes him a really interesting character. Not not mention his hilarious

12 days later

Oh, might as well mention. Jinho finds Andrew a little crazy, though tbf, I think Jinho is the one who's crazy and doesn't understand why people like doing things that TONS of normal people like such as: camping, eating lunch on a picnic blanket in the grass, spending time outside when it's hot out AT ALL if it can be avoided, swimming in the ocean when the ocean is 'gross and full of sand.'

I've mentioned that Jinho is very patient with Andrew's forgetfulness, but they're mutually patient with each other tbh. Andrew sometimes has trouble navigating life because of his ADHD, and Jinho is...himself.

1 month later

It's Jones without a doubt
And if you read the comic, the very first appearance of the alpha squad, Jones wasn't there because he wasn't even aware that they were coming he was sleeping off and then you already know that this guy isn't your typical Guy. he's the craziest and he knows that he's crazy and he likes it. He even does it intentionally just to annoy people. Some people like it, some people hate it, he doesn't care about your opinion whatsoever but I guess Jack who is the leader, the blonde Guy, he likes it l, they're best friends so he can tolerate it all day every day but Jones is definitely considered the craziest, the most annoying, the most loud and the most intolerable

26 days later

Her nanny high-key thinks she's crazy

I think all my main characters are considered crazy or weird by others :joy: but like also they’re not just weirdos usually they do actually have a pretty intense mental illness, I tend to explore different facets of my schizophrenia with different characters, just because it’s such an under represented mental illness. I want to show as many different characters with individual takes on the illness. But also they’re all just kind of weirdos because they’re weirdos and has nothing to do with the underlaying illnesses? I like writing people who aren’t afraid to be themselves and that often means going against “normalcy”.

Plot twist: everyone irl is a weirdo some people just conform better than others. We all have that favorite musician, artist, local pizzeria whatever that we’re crazy about and no one else is :joy: I’ve gotten to meet so many people and every single one that I’ve gotten to know feels like they are different, even if they’re perceived as a “popular” girl or something. It’s funner to be a weirdo outwardly though. Freeeeee :sparkles:

same. many of my characters have different neurodivergencies, but a lot of them are just/also quirky for their own reasons that have nothing to do with neurodivergence at all.

I definitely agree. I think normal is a concept that doesn't really exist

Evan deffo considered crazy and strange by his family and friends-
He moves on his own beat, spontaneous to others and never afraid to be himself. Always up for a silly dare, making him a shameless class clown.
His rockstar looks, high charisma and optimism helps him easily strike up a conversation with random people regardless of status (and situations others would easily feel humiliated to be in).
He is the odd one in his family with an interest in music performance. He's the guitarist and back up vocalist in a rock band with his school-friends. His step-dad wishes he'd get a 'real job'. While he shows no interest to work a 9-5, he does some odd jobs from time to time, implied to be a rent boy on occasions. He also has the habit of splashing temporary dye on his hair for special occasions.

A group-chat between his bandmates, seen from Evan's phone (in one panel). Shows Evan winning over a more popular local artiste at a recent Rock Concert thanks to his lack of reserve.

how old is Evan? is he in high school or college?

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