1 / 6
Feb 9

I don't have much to say, but I noticed that staff is advertising community comics more frequently lately in the notifications. This is the one thing I've always said would make those notifications somewhat more palatable. So I just want staff to know that I notice what they're doing, and I'm here for it.

Does anyone else check out the community series ads? Have you found a series you like from it?

  • created

    Feb 8
  • last reply

    Feb 9
  • 5


  • 154


  • 1


  • 14


I check it to see if I made the staff picks (I haven't), but what makes me happiest there is seeing someone I helped or already know make it. I agree it is a good move, I hardly pay attention to the non-community side of Tapas, after all!

Same! I've rarely felt compelled to read the premium stuff. But it's always exciting to see a series from someone I know of, even if I've never really talked to them.

I was checking out some of the more recent community promotions and happened to see @smokesalty's comic, The Commune featured in the Horror/Thriller one and was so psyched. Me and one other author featured there had exactly one exchange, and I still pointed at the screen like:

"I know that person! I told them their art was cool once!"

sounds like a good decision, I always check the community tab because I prefer to check the smaller comics.