I had made similar comics in the past, so I knew I wanted to make something like that again. A comic centering around kids with slice of life aspects to it. I love the crime genre, so I added some aspects of that into the comic as well.
The crime cases are usually inspired by maybe movies or TV shows.
This is quite a hard thing to answer because the story was made from many bits and pieces.
I had started writing a completely different story but didn't like where it was going. Then one day I got inspiration from a random daydream, scrapped the lot of it and started writing from scratch but keeping the main characters and mythology The genre (flintlock fantasy) is inspired by a bunch of historical fiction I read/watch but, y'know, fantasy.
@AmandaJ-art You answered it well, don't worry haha
@BlunderingAlbatross Flintlock fantasy? That's the first time I've heard of that
Mine was inspired by the daughter of a figure mired in a political scandal back when I tried to be aware of social issues for the sake of academic achievement. I'd wanted it before to have a lot of twists.
It's kind of, mellowed down though and the characters and themes are now of some questions and experiences I had. As of now,conflicts from grand political, inter-country stakes and backstories have narrowed down to conflicts stemming from family issues. Gotta bite what I can chew
I started writing Papillon because I randomly wanted to do a magical-girl story for NaNoWriMo, but figured the usual formula of "five girls save the world" wouldn't work well in written format. So I had an idea: setting a story after the magical girls have saved the world, with one of them wistfully longing for a magical life once more. Two years and change later, it's now the first in a planned series.
Clearly a worthwhile investment of passion and time.
I got inspired to draw my own djinn after watching the anime Magi, and then I kinda liked the design and just started to come up with ideas after that which turned in to my ongoing comic
Its usually like that for my storys, I just get inspired by something like a tvshow, music or a book im reading maybe, start doodling and while Im building up the character idea I have Im starting to think out the story for it.
Mine started as an rp as well, but the story was really fun, so when it inevitably ended, I was like: nah fam. With permission of the other person I took the main plotbeats, the main characters and changed a lot to make it more interesting, coherent and more like I had originally wanted the story to go. I also added a lot of new Characters and scenes to lay a better foundation for the MC's relationship. (And I've already thought up a continuation as well.)
I like writing different power dynamics and I really like writing May-December relationship. For 'The Love of a Werewolf' it actually started with a vague idea of a teacher/student relationship. Then I decided I wanted the younger person to be the one with power, then I decided I wanted to write about werewolves... then it kind of snowballed into the what the fic currently is.
For 'The Demon of the Sea'..... I don't really have much to say on it. I wanted to write about a poor fisherman taking care of his little sister. Then there was a shark monster who was cutting into the prime fishing time for the fisherman... Then there was a romantic arc between the fisherman and the shark monster.
I'm also working of 'The Ghost of Summerside Cemetery.' I literally got that idea by driving through a really big cemetery and seeing a statue that was kind of falling apart in the shade of a big tree by the water. That's all it took. I won't be posting any of it until TLoaW and TDotS are finished though.
(Also save me because I also have an idea for a war story but I work full time and I'm a student and I don't have time for another project.)
Off of a random story idea I had written down and was thinking through that combined with some newer inspiration and it clicked better. To walk you through it Runner was initially going to take place on Earth in a sort of bring powers to the normal world type of scenario. A massive pylon crashes down from space somewhere in the Pacific and produces a signal that gives people powers. The powers were just a side effect and the pylon was an alien device meant to drain power or resources or something (this concept didn't go very far) from the planet. Around this time Made in Abyss came out and inspired me to kind of gamify my world building some. What remained was some inspiration for the lore and history for Runner and Pylons (no longer nefarious) that produce a sort of WiFi signal that allows people to use magic. Made in Abyss brought me to the idea of creature design and the idea of having the characters start at their strongest at the beginning and get weaker and weaker the further they get from a pylon. So as the story progresses it starts out with relatively lesser dangers but then it gets more dangerous not because the threats are more dangerous necessarily but because they no longer have the tools to deal with them easily. The name and concept around what the story would actually be about came from world building that idea out. What would a place that lives under these rules be like? Separated without as much contact between cities. People wouldn't travel as much because of the dangers and wouldn't live very far from a city's safety. But governments and people would still need to communicate. So it reminded me of the ancient Chilean courier runners: The Chasqui.
That's pretty much the start to finish of it. I could go into the actual plot and such but I'd prefer that you read and learn as I tell that part
I was bored and had already read all the good books in the YA section so I started daydreaming and came up with the initial concept (the kids just want to be kids but destiny keeps being a bitch, and also there's aliens and dragons) and started writing.
The story and characters changed a lot since the first draft (I was 14 when I completed it and now I'm 19), but for some reason it still feels like the first story I wrote, even though the characters only kept basic things like name and design and the lore did a 180°.
Mine stared off as me wondering if someone who’s newly human would conform to the same societal structures when it came to sexuality and gender norms. From there it turned into a reincarnation story and I wanted to explore all of the different emotions that come with being human (hence the titles of my updates). Also, the different forms of love, from platonic friendships, familial bonds, to romance and everything in between.
I gotta finish writing it first!
@wocalichofficial it's going to be called Devilish Cupcakes
A being drops something(I don't remember what) into the world. This thing transforms into a stone, then into an injured dog, then into a human. As it interacts with others it takes on various experiences and becomes more and more human. It's by the same mangaka who wrote Koe no Katachi
Edit: Here it is:
Me too...
@Penni you gotta tell us when you publish it
I was on Facebook playing petville and I realized how much I loved virtual pet and lifesim games and wanted to make a story based off them! So I drew a few really bad designs and it kept evolving and evolving into what it is now, which I hope is no longer really bad.
(edit) Here is the link! I gottw get used to posting that.