48 / 49
Oct 2024

Have a daily comic strip called The Experiment check it out, subscribe let me know if you like it or if you don't either way is cool with me. The Experiment2

I think it's definitely harder to do webnovels than comics, but you have a lot of engagement! Subbed!

well...it hasn't change a bit
i post, people read, me happy i guess

I been here well over a year (Jan 2023), so this captures up to Dec 2023. There was a boost in July after I discovered the forums. Also a major boost in October when I did an OC drawing thread.

Just comes to show that the forums really do help with the numbers, as well as drawing for other peeps. You just gotta get yourself out there. Overall, it was a great year, when I figured out what I was doing wrong...

Oh, here's a dramedy comic about a religious chicken that worships his human caretakers and deals with various situations in his flock. Subbing is not required.

Hot damn, October really did you wonders huh!

To the more general audience, I've been wondering, with all these raw numbers, what the average view and like is per episode. Because, more episodes automatically equals more views and even likes.

Taking myself as an example. I've got 8,4k views and 550 likes, with 19 published episode. So I'd average at 442 views/published episode and ~29 likes/published episode.

And looking at the metrics per episode, this does kinda hold up, though more weight is present in the earlier episodes, especially in terms of view count.

So what are y'alls average? :grinning:

Grand Epic Elemental has been up for nearly a year (started mid-Oct 2023), and I just started posting the reboot two days ago.

For the original comic, I initially updated multiple times a week with shorter episodes, then slowed down the update frequency to 1-2 times a month and increased the episode length as time went on (also improved the artwork a bit). The view count drop-off after March was due putting the comic on semi-hiatus while I worked on the Last Train comic contest. The last update to the old version of the comic was near the end of June.

I'd been collecting feedback on the comic over time and decided to reboot it to address the issues with slow pacing and artwork not being polished enough. Also decided that if the comic was going to be rebooted, I would make the whole thing full color (the original comic was only in full color for the first three episodes before I switched to B&W), which meant that updates would probably not happen that frequently. I started working on the reboot in late July, but then put it on the backburner because the Action Fantasy Tourney started, so it took a while before I finally finished the first episode.

Original comic (Monthly view counts)

Reboot (Daily view counts)

It's only been two days since the reboot launched, but it's been pretty encouraging to see some of the subscribers from the old version start reading the new one (also gained new subscribers I haven't seen before). The old version is still getting views, so I'm glad I decided not to take it down (or use the approach where I keep the same series but slowly overwrite the old episodes with new ones). Maybe in one year's time, I can do a side-by-side comparison of how both versions of the comic performed during their first year.

Ha, my views/likes per episode metrics are going to be bad. I have so many episodes.

14.2k views total, 1.6k likes, 421 comments. Across 141 episodes. So that's ~101 views/episode, ~11 likes/episode, ~3 comments/episode. I'd say the likes are weighted more to the earlier episodes, but the comments are weighted to the early episodes and the latest episodes, once I got a few people who are commenting along as the story is published. There's a big swath of episodes in the middle with no comments at all.

It's good that your views stayed consistently improving rather than dropping after October. People are coming back, that's good! (Subbed)

Of course, and there really can be a difference in views between a page-style comic like mine and a scroll-style comic. I average ~514 views and ~8 likes per page.

Did you want me to sub to yours?

I'll admit, I don't know how rebooters can do it. I'd probably do a whole new project rather than reboot a story I've already told.

Did something happen between March and April? It seems kind of weird that your views would consistently halve like that.

Subbed to the new version!

Hi, thanks for the sub! Deciding to reboot was a bit of a tough decision since I was only 25% through the entire story and would essentially be starting over after already doing almost a year of work, but I wanted to improve the artwork for the earlier episodes and address some of the pacing issues that I got feedback on. I was also not feeling super inspired to continue the old version of the comic and was working on it less frequently than I did in the beginning (the episodes were also taking longer to complete since I was trying to make the art more detailed).

Between March and April, the comic went on semi-hiatus since I was participating in the Last Train contest, so I stopped updating as frequently (I was only updating about once a month or less after March), hence the view counts went down. The last update was in late June. Actually, I'm surprised that I'm still getting 200-300 views each month since the old version stopped updating and I stopped actively promoting it. I think some of these new views might be coming from readers who are clicking on my AF tourney story and then checking out my other work, The old version of the comic still gets views even after the reboot launched, so the two versions might be driving traffic to each other.

20 days later