1 / 23
Nov 2018

Hi guys, I’m new here... I was wondering how many subs do people gain...maybe per update?
I’ve published 2 chapters on webtoon (I’m trying to update once a week) and now I have 800+ subs. Is it bad?? Should I just give up? :joy::sob:

  • created

    Nov '18
  • last reply

    Nov '18
  • 22


  • 3.3k


  • 12


  • 35


Personally I think 800 subs is really good! I've been posting on webtoons and I still have barely gotten to 500 subs after 13 updates :sweat_smile: but my art also sucks so I think you're doing really well!

Bad? No.
Give up? I wouldn't think so :joy:

I have a whopping 6, so you're doing over 100x better than me, keep up the good work :smiley:

Ummm normal is maybe 5 or 6 an update on WEBTOON from what I know.

I have 20 subs after 2 updates on Webtoons. It is even less than on Tapas (because I promoted it less, I think).

I didn't even know that you have a webtoon version of your comics. :thinking:
You know, you can attach link to it to your tapas creator's profile. In that case people will be able to discover it from here.

True, maybe I should do that :sweat_smile: :I haven't been as concerned about cross advertising on webtoons and tapas themselves though. More so I make sure to include links (or references) to both sites when I post on places like Instagram, twitter, reddit, etc. That said, since it's been doing better on Tapas so far, I've been using that as my "primary directory" (for example on reddit, put the link to tapas in the URL field and then leave a comment saying "also available on webtoons!" with a link to that). That may or may not be a good idea, but it's what I'm rolling with for now lol

I wonder if this is a genuine concern or you're just kind of....I don't know. But for most people that number is a dream. Haha I'm just triggered please excuse me. Good luck to your comic.

Man i have 2.5k subs but just because i'm in the rising star category xD otherwise i'd still be stuck at 200 after 13 updates lol congratulations! That number is pretty much HIGH.

Really?? I checked some webtoon and they all have a lot of subscribers:frowning:

I have been at it pretty steady with my husband since June. We only just got to 89 today. It takes time for most of us.

Different comics are going to be in different places based on if they were featured in some way in a category, or if the genre/art are such that they caught peoples interest faster. There's no specific pace at which one is "doing good" because everyone grows at different paces for a wide variety of reason.

But 800 subs is good by most peoples standards, especially early on! Try to remember that every one of those 800 subs is an individual person that likes what you're doing and is invested enough to sign up to keep track of that. These numbers aren't just statistics, they're people.

Even if you only had a couple subscribers, that wouldn't be a reason to give up. Creators get better by creating. You can't grow or get better if you stop the second you don't see the numbers you want (or think you want).

800 is definitely good! A lot of people you'll see with more than that when they've just started usually

A. Have been promoted by the site somehow.
B. Have another comic and sent their readers to check out their new series. (Or a following on another site)
C. They've rebooted their story and deleted the old chapters.

You definitely shouldn't give up, you're off to a great start ^^

That's awesome! We only just got over 500 and that's after 10 updates :sweat_smile: even then I think we're lucky to have gotten there

Still gaining 1000+ subs despite my comic is already dead or hiatus, lmao.

It only has about 30+ updates.

I stopped making comics when is still 5000+ subs now is 9000+ like why???

It's harder to find webcomics that aren't premium on the tapas app than it is on the Webtoons one. I went looking for a comic of mine just to see how easy it was and, in the end, I had to use the search function. Even the hashtags don't amount to much. Only premium comics turn up so I don't see the point.

It's kinda sad because I love tapas. I love the upload features, (though the 40 images limit trips me up a bit) the creator wall and the fact everyone has a profile and you can thank readers for checking out your comic but it would be nice to have a way to actually reach new readers.