13 / 54
Oct 2020

the fact that people 30's and up are so rare. :cry_01:

I make jokes about being old a lot bc I'm 30, but it's really weird to think of myself as "older".

Your in the same age group as my mom, she is 34? idk, I am like half everyone's age. But proberly a foot taller than everyone

Ah, I see 10s are in the minority here. We are baby. Babies rise up!

I used to be in the 10's like y'all but then I took a 2 in the knee

I'm month and a half from joining the 20s. I don't feel ready :cry_01:

I´m da second oldest but comics and rock´n´roll keep my brain young

32 and I can't post just my age because of the character minimum