1 / 43
Apr 2019

Or how to conform mass audience's taste, without actually liking the taste.

I feel like all my creative works can't and doesn't draw interest to mass or even certain group of people. For example a historical-fantasy will draw both history enthusiast and fantasy enthusiast, or a drawing of steampunk aesthetic will attract such kind of viewers. I can't even point for who my work is created, it is just there... But I want more impact and meaning to it.

How nice it is must be to be a person who likes and good at something people wants. I tried myself to draw in mainstream anime style, but my own style keeps kicking in. Do I just need to try harder?

How does people keeps up to date to the trend, and can even predict the next? Or even better, they make trend themselves?

People says always be yourself and be unique, but what if being yourself and being unique are not good enough for mere a recognition?

  • created

    Apr '19
  • last reply

    Apr '19
  • 42


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  • 21


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  • 4


I use t o feel like this when i was spending weeks oil painting and not selling stuff and then some git on you tube was showing how he got pigs to run across canvasses with pained feet and they were selling for a fortune.
Or you see "art" at exhibitions that are so confusing you need to be told it's art and have a lecture on what the ruddy thing represents.
you said it yourself. be yourself and except this is your art. If people are not looking in droves at it then hey you can keep doing what you enjoy with out the worry of some none artistic prat telling you what's wrong with it or how it's not PC
the only thing that matters is that you enjoy your art, because if your not enjoying your art you won't put as much effort in to it.

I think we all want larger audiences/recognition. That's not unique for any creator...

I want to get to a hundred subscribers, the young lady with 107 wants a thousand, the guy with a thousand wants 10,000...and on and on. People who rule the manga markets want to break into foreign markets... it likely never ends ... that desire to reach MORE people.

your audience is you. my audience is me. take away genre, take away market, and everyone is telling the stories they love and trusting that there are other people in the world who love them too. and those people always exist.

dont do thissss. it will kick you in the arse in the long run - the thing with this anime-derived korean-inspired romance-drama thats mainstream in webcomics, which are inherently Not Mainstream... this is a bubble. and itll pop. and once it has youll likely miss your own unique style.

dont chase fashions - your attempts will be hollow and insincere, and more importantly unsatisfying, and then the fashions will change. remember when the hunger games came out, and then we got mazerunner and divergent and a tonne of other dystopian faction-fighting YA series? how many of them have faded into the darkness?

was suzanne collins predicting a trend when she wrote the hunger games, or was she doing her own thing irregardless of the trends, and because she did it so well, she set the trend.

just keep doing you, keep learning about what that is - develop your own style, your own practice, read and watch things you love and things you hate, old and new and popular and obscure, and keep reaching out for those people who speak your language. if you chase the trend, itll always outrun you.

That's just the way you are if you're not mainstream.

Maybe try to pinpoint your niche instead. Like post in a Game of Thrones subreddit or in DnD forums hahaha.

Honestly, most of the most successful webcomics aren't even drawn in an anime style. I certainly don't draw in an anime style and do just fine. (I wouldn't call myself even close to one of the most successful but I earn a living) I actually think it's been really helpful for me to NOT draw in an anime style. I know my work will stand out against all of the incestuous amplification (which really seems to be an issue on areas of the internet that are more anime-leaning). But if you look in more areas of comics as a whole anime is not leading the way.

Regardless of what is or isn't leading the way; good work will usually find its footing and is helped by promoting in the proper channels. It's not worth promoting if the work isn't good though. I stress this because I spent years trying to push my comics before realizing I just wasn't making good comics. A lot of the reason I wasn't making good comics if because I was trying to write in a voice that wasn't mine (the drawings weren't very good either so I will also stress focusing on craft itself).

But I've had to pitch a lot of stories and every pitch that was ever denied was one where I was just trying to write something I thought would appease a certain company. And every pitch I've had approved was something that I felt fully represented my interests and what I wanted to make. I don't think that's a coincidence.

If you want to attract more women, write novel or draw comics about poor girl, who've became loved by the rich attractive guy (by unknown reason, you shouldn't even justify it anyhow). Add some idiotic obstacles to their relationship and make them stupid enough to being unable to resolve them instantly. But don't forget: in the end everything should get better BY THE POWER OF THEIR LOVE, and they should marry.

If you want to attract more men, write novel or draw comics about good guys, who defeat bad guys with BIG GUNS, BIG SWORDS, COOL SPELLS, or with GIANT HUMANOID ROBOTS. Don't forget: in this process they should tell pathos speeches, perform level ups and get more cool weapons from time to time. In the end they should defeat the final boss and save the world.

Art doesn't matter much, just add more bright colors, absurdly strong emotions on faces and special effects.

Too bad I will not read such a things. But many people will.

I've given other versions of this pessimistic rant in many other topics on this forum, but here I go again:

I've been in that boat before, the boat you want to be on. Giving the people what they want (even if it's not really what you want) and actually getting attention for it. It felt nice in the beginning, but the fact remained that it was never supposed to be "all" of me. It was just a game, a little side project. So eventually I returned to my passion projects, the things I really wanted to do, and of course, all the literal hundreds of people who supposedly signed up to see my art suddenly disappeared. Again and again. It was pretty demoralizing.

What was even more demoralizing was thinking I could always get them back, if I just did x and y. ^^; What a fool I was. Sometimes x and y worked...and sometimes they didn't. It's like gambling: sometimes you win big, most of the time you win nothing, and every once in a while you win just enough to get you to think "I'm getting there...just one more try and I'll win big again". You might...and you might not.

I don't think I'll win big again, at least not now. Everything I thought I had has fallen through; x and y are about as predictable as my own work at this point. Once upon a time, I thought I had "achieved" at least a steady 10 comments per work. Now I'm back to glowing if I get even one good comment. So much for "achievement"...
To be honest, I think it was never me. After some careful observation, I think I was riding the waves of someone else's popularity the whole time, and now that they've ebbed, I ebb as well. When they come back, I'll probably experience a resurgence in popularity...but I'm not looking forward to it. Because that'll mean that I'm right. That nothing I did was the reason I was popular. It was always someone else, and something else...

The moral of the story is, don't sell yourself out. Because if you have even an ounce of integrity, even a hint of the belief that your passion should correlate with your recognition, then you won't like what you end up with. You'll just have another set of problems on your hands...

Be yourself. Be unique. At least then if you can't become popular, you can still have a little fun. And if you really want to be famous, keep striving for it-- you'll never get it if you don't keep trying. But don't depend on what other people want to give that to you. Keep doing what you want to do, no matter what it is, and keep hoping.

Because honestly, you aren't the problem. You've probably convinced yourself of that, because you are the only thing you can control, but it's just a comfortable lie. No matter what you do, no matter how base and vile or idiotic and empty or bright and beautiful or deep and memorable, someone out there wants it; someone else out there would like to see it, make no mistake on that. You aren't the problem.

The reality is something that humans hate more than anything: the problem is out of your control. You can't do anything to get yourself the recognition you 'deserve'; the possibility that you will live and die in obscurity is real and it may never go away.

All you can do is wait. Keep waiting for the people who are waiting for you, the real you. And while you wait, try to have some fun.

Like everyone else has said, stay true to yourself!

There was something Hayao Miazaki said in the documentary "Never Ending Man" that really stuck with me:

"We never sought out to be popular. We just created what we wanted, and then the people came.

It's very frustrating when your work doesn't reach as many people as you want, but success and growth isn't overnight (I'm still trying to gain more subs by sharing my comic in different social media and stuff, keeping a schedule and improving quality. it's very stagnant though D: ).

Keep at it, have fun, and carve your own niche! :heart:

Popularity in an oversaturated market is a gamble, and as in gambling - the better your winning streak is, the harder will be the withdraw once the hype wave you caught runs out. Been there, it's devastating when suddenly your "like" count drops 500% without you changing anything - the audience just went after the next fun shiny thing.

The only way not to be heartbroken about this is to do your own thing - because there will always be at least 1 person who will be passionate about this and for whom nobody else will do the exact same story - and that's you. Sure, you can try to incorporate some formulaic stuff into it for a wider appeal, but it still should be stuff you'd personally enjoy doing. Stepping over yourself because of a promise of maybe being popular - that won't make anyone happy. You have no one to be held accountable if your work doesn't bring you joy but yourself if you choose to bend it to the tastes of others. And that's talking about free content - unless you're hired or have a successful patreon, you can't even set a price on compromising your artistic vision.

So, yeah - you do what feels good to you and there will be people, that will find it appealing - being mainstream means being swept away the moment the "main stream" of popular trends, pardon the pun, changes.

I think these are popular online because you can't find them much in Western comic shops.

Well... you'd basically never be able to remain mainstream forever. Mainly because the mainstream tastes adapt and change so much that eventually something would be trending that you just can't replicate.

It essentially would be about being really in touch with what the current generation of readers are into.

In my humble opinion becoming mainstream doesn't have to force you to change your tastes or force yourself to make things that you don't really enjoy, your strength will always be your own authenticity. You can find things in the mass media that you also enjoy and implement them without losing your essence, it can be a middle ground.

Now, here is the important thing: becoming mainstream popular has little to do with your work and more with your positioning in a platform, level of influence in social media, connections. You can change everything about your comic/novel and still be unknown because you lack the exposure. Some artists work for decades to build those connections, some are overnight celebrities because they became important for an online community, etc. If you want to become mainstream you can work more on your social media presence.