20 / 38
Mar 2021

I'd slap that little thumbs down button :sunglasses:

real talk though, ignoring is usually my go-to for one-off things (or on platforms that you can spot-remove comments, then sometimes I do that. I've done that one Instagram before). If they continue to harass you over several episodes then blocking is good if available!

It's time to learn blocking is not childish. It's keeping your mental space clean and tidy. Sure you can go ahead and ignore this, until one day you might snap at a random commenter putting down something less than pleasant.

Maintain your social media experience, use that block button and move on.

They can go suck a dick. Not sure if it's an option but just delete it and sometimes blocking them would be best because they can continue to post comments like that again.

Ah it's on webtoon, that makes it all the more annoying because you can't delete it. I'd give them a thumbs down and ignore it, unless they keep commenting this on every episode. Then you could try and report it (and hope webtoon actually listens)

((If it makes you feel better, I dealt with the same thing when I started my first comic on webtoon and it was not fun

They had the chance to explain themselves and they chose to send hate. I honestly don't think a comment like this deserves your attention because there is nothing there to work with. If it said " this is insensitive!! What a garbage comic!!" we could see there is an attempt to point at a flaw.

I don't think all mean comments should be dismissed as hate, some people can't word criticism in a constructive way. But If it just insults you, it is not something you should feed into. In my opinion.

And frankly, I have seen people trashing artist works for a petty disagreement on social media or just because they push others down to make their favorite artist look better. Sometimes is not even about your work.

I hope this person is gone and looking at your comic their attitude looks uncalled for.

They're trying to get a rise out of you and probably actually don't even think your comic is garbage. You can either ignore it, or say something diplomatic that isn't going to be the response they're looking for (i.e. "Sorry you don't like it!"), but honestly ignoring it is probably better because that's exactly what someone like that doesn't want to happen. They wanna drag you into their miserable little world via petty internet fights.

yeah, I once been on a random internet fight on tapas and it just made me feel equally stupid as the person who started it... :sob:

Ignoring them is definitely the way to go. I tried to reason with a troll once aaaaaand... it got even worse -__- so yup, even though it's annoying as hell, it's probably better to ignore. Report them if possible, or just give 'em a thumbs down. Also no, blocking someone is not childish: this person contributed no constructive criticism in any way, shape or form and was just being an ass... nothing wrong in preventing an asshole from ruining your day :slight_smile:

This is the definition of bait. I'm sorry you got a comment like this on your work. I would delete the comment and block them. There's nothing wrong with doing that! I'm an active member on a DC Comics discord and whoo boy, we have to boot people at least every few months for stirring up trouble. We just want to talk about Superman lmao. :joy:

Ouch.. People are so mean. delete if you can. I never know we can block people in tapas/webtoon.

Block and ignore is the way to go, but the troll in me would be sorely tempted to respond "k". There's nothing more infuriating than "k".

The best thing to do in my opinion when you get a negative comment that you cant delete is to press the dislike button. Other reads will notice and press the dislike button too and the person who left the comment might end up deleting it after that.

Block their butt. You have to moderate your spaces as much as you can, because you want it to be a safe place for other people too. Your followers who've grown attached to your work may feel they have to defend you, and that would spiral into a bunch of nonsense really fast because this person just wants to bait you and not just you, but all of your readers.

That comment sucks, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I agree with a lot of the other folks here, the block button is one of your best tools in your internet toolbag. Don't give that crap a second thought. You just keep on doing your best dude. :+1:

Having responded to troll comments in the past on comics I made when I was younger, as tempting as it can seem to try to "own" them with a reply like "if you hate it so much, why are you reading it?" their response is typically some petty rubbish like "Oh, I just think it's very interesting that your comic is more popular than mine and I'm trying to understand why the ignorant masses like it so much."

...Basically it's not worth bothering. It won't be fun and it won't be like a scene from a YA novel where you, the protagonist own the bullies hard and they're left speechless and then get rubbish dropped on them by comedic happenstance while you walk away flipping your hair with the hot love interest. It'll just be the usual crap where somebody is jealous and angry and wants to make you feel bad, but they're usually jealous and angry because literally nobody cares about their work or opinions. :sip:

I wouldn't reply. Expecially in a sarcastic way.

Lots of times people that leave this kind of comments have nothing to do and are seeking useless fights and drama. Don't go down to their level, you don't deserve it.

Report the comment. What they posted IS a violation of the community guidelines.

If the person keeps leaving more comments or sending messages of the same nature, block them. It is not childish, you have the rights to demand the respect that you deserve.

Negative feedback can be useful, but not when it's an attack.

I absolutely agree with everything you said but listen, I was joking lol I'd personally banter with these guys for fun so idk, block 'em and report 'em if you have to, that's your business