17 / 25
Sep 2020

good, but i won't see them for 3 days again cause i'm going to my dads for college >->

i know right! as long as i have my crispy shell, apple turnover weird crisps and my slushie..then i'm set for life!

tho last time i went near a taco bell we instead got fish and chips cause it's boss

i was gonna try one but i was new to taco bell before ): i'll get one next time

My negative: We just got hit by Typhoon Haishen and we've been without power for a day now. Have no idea when we will get that back. Got little sleep since the strong winds were rattling our roof and I had no idea if it was gonna rip off or not!

My Positive: I got my favorite coffee to give me some pep. I uploaded a novel chapter right before the power shut off and I gained 6 awesome subs and 300 views overnight.

Negative: Apartment complex's fire alarm went off at 4am while my husband and I were already running low on sleep from stress. Had a mental break down with a lot of crying and screaming involved, my throat is sore now and it's hard to look at the screen through my tear-strained eyes.

Positive: We got food. And I was picked as the emergency cover artist for a zine I'm in after I submitted a thumbnail of my proposal.

I slept for 4 hours and woke up to study.Plus I sorted the exam dates & I'l be going for a walk later in the evening

It's only 10AM here and it already feels like an entire day has passed lol.

negatives: woke up with a killer headache

positives: finally managed to book a driving test after months of it being postponed (ya girl has a car but isn't allowed to drive it yet lol)

I just saw my parents on TV watching the Tour De France (passing Marennes!)... and that felt really good!! (especially since I probably won't see them at all this year with that virus around)...

My negative was: i'm thinking my comic is really bad because of pageviews drop from -60% from the usual,
and I haven't eaten burgers for a while ,( I want a burger )
My positive was: I saw an ice cream in the fridge , I feel rewarded

I woke up and it's gonna be a busy one. gotta call into to work and see if they need me for work. If they don't, then my husband and I are taking my kid to the park..gonna wear him out. Take him home so he can sleep. Husband will then go to work and my friend will come over. she's gonna edit my novel while I write as fast as I can while toddler sleeps.

The ONE day, LABOR DAY, we were looking forward to actually going out to the gym, to swim outdoors at the pool, and relax and unwind a bit, maybe ease some quarantine stress...

But no, Mother Nature had other plans. 10 straight hours of rain and flash flooding. And more on the way.. :stuck_out_tongue: .

We guess one positive thing was...wait, we'll think of something... ummm...

We got nuttin'.