It’s called ClockLark, mostly cause I thought it sounded cool lol.
The only logic behind it, was that I wanted to include clocks for p l o t r e a s o n s, and then I just spent a while looking for words that rhymed with “work” since half the bad guys things are just called “Clockwork+adjective+thing”. And lark seemed like a good enough word considering the contents of the comic
My story is called "Split of the Worlds" (original "Weltenbruch" in German). It's referring to the fact that the world of the protagonists is broken apart, in more than one way.
When humankind was growing, some of the angels were fascinated by the darker emotions some humans beared. And how it sometimes is, great power leads to bad effects, so the Mother (the goddess, so to speak) split the realm of the angels apart from that of the humans, to try to protect them. And to protect the angels in the new dimension from further corruption She also seperated the angels and the now formed demons. The White Mountain and the Red Depths can only reach each other at certain times, the closures, when their parts of their world swing back together.
The ways of life of angels and demons are quite different now, and of course both ways are different from the human lifes.
So we have a lot of splits in the world(s) in my story, physical, cultural, spiritual.
Hence the title.
My comic title '"Gemmoner" is a combination of two words, Gem and Summoner, that fits well with the theme of my story.
The theme of my story is manservant in fantasy. I've searched in the internet and many people believes that gemstones and crystals are connected to a guardian angel. So to make it more creative with that, I'd decided to make the story where humans are able to get their servant by website or by meeting them ( beings who were isekai'd from fantasy world ) wandering in human world. With the gemstone is created, a pact of manservant is formed. A servant represents guardian angel that will be by one's side and protect humans.
@Leyelle Yes. Please check out my comic, it may be only 2 chapters, but if I can get more chapters done it will be more interesting and you may like it ( I hope ) .
The World Dragon: The Masked Warrior
The World Dragon is actually a title name I had for over 10 years, it was used for the many older stories like "The Last World Dragon". Now it's used as a main title for the many recent stories as they take place in the same realm.
Now The Masked Warrior part, I actually struggled coming up for a title for Yul and Tian's story. Yul works in a restaurant while Tian works in a pottery shop. At first I thought about their jobs as something but hard to get something to click and it was a bit endless with the thinking.
Then I had the thought, a lot of story has Yul being fixated over Tian's mask. A person wearing a decorative mask in the region usually signifies a warrior status so "The Masked Warrior" came to life.
This story began coming to me when I was a teenager. Crazy to think how it's stuck around this long... I finally started fleshing it out and writing it during the pandemic, and I'm so excited to be sharing here on Tapas!
Lyfay is a made up word that essentially means to me "the land of the fay." In my case, elves.
Guardians of Creation came about later as I realized that a made up word wouldn't mean much to people, so I wanted to give more context. The elves in my story preserve and protect nature, but are struggling against the forces of the world's society and greed. The story touches on various real-world issues with a fantasy (and romance) twist.
I'm so stoked for my third book of the Damsel in the Red Dress series and it's title, but I can't spoil that now, so I just say that for both the books of the series so far, every chapter titles has revolved around a consistent theme.
For book one it was color. Makes sense, the female lead is a painter, so we get chapter titles like "Sticky Black." "Sanguine Thread" "Chess with Cinnabar Pawns." "White Hole" and "Lurid."
The second books chapter titles will be harder to take seriously because of their nature, they are all named after things revolving around, relating to, or associated with children. Hence we have chapter titles like "Playing House" "Plastic Armor" "A Spoonful of Sugar." "Dolls" "Freeze Tag" and "Peekaboo."
I feel like the further I get into "Sun with a Paper Crown" the more details about childhood I think of to use for chapter titles. It goes beyond things like games and lullabies, to ideas like "Babble" "Tantrum" "Snow Man" and such. It's fun to think if the way these ideas can be attributed to what takes place in each chapter, and I wonder how many of my readers have tried to figure out the context behind the less obvious ones.