20 / 126
Feb 2024

Well if we're going to also look at chapter title then, well yeah, I still am very basic about that.

Chapter 01 - the Trespasser, is called so because it's about Kyara, the one who constantly Trespasses on SenSec sites

Chapter 02 - an Adventure's Beginning, because that's when the adventure of Kyara and Zack truly begins.

Chapter 03 - Dreams of the Forebears, without spoiling too much, let's jut say that gem piece Kyara picked up in the cave isn't gonna let her have "sweet dreams" so to speak.

Chapter 04 - N/A, currently doesn't have a definitive title, but I am working on it under the working title "Broken" because this is the chapter that will see things go... kaput.

Chapter 05 - the Road Home, as the planned final chapter of the story it will see our heroes return home, so pretty self explanatory.

If we're going by chapters, several of my chapter titles in both stories were inspired by music as well:

Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days:

Episode 17 Part 2 Chapter 5: Innocent (inspired by Innocence by Harlequin)
Episode 26 Part 3 Chapter 5: The Love Shack (inspired by Love Shack by The B-52's)
Episode 32 Part 4 Chapter 3: Friends (inspired by Friends by Joe Satriani (ironically, I am listening to this song as I type this)
Episode 34 Part 4 Chapter 5: Learning To Drive (inspired by Learning to Fly by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers)
Episode 45 Part 5 Chapter 2: Jesus is Just Alright... but am I? (Inspired by Jesus is Just All Right With Me by the Doobie Brothers)
Episode 45 Part 5 Chapter 3: Losing My Religion (inspired by Losing My Religion by R.E.M.)
Episode 53 Part 6 Chapter 8: Cracks Appear (inspired by a lyric from the Judas Priest song Jawbreaker: "The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort")
Episode 57 Part 7 Chapter 1: A Brand New Low (inspired by A Brand New Low by Treble Charger)
Episode 66 Part 7 Chapter 10: Making Love Like A Man (inspired by Making Love Like A Man by Def Leppard)
Episode 75 Part 8 Chapter 3: Coming Out (inspired by I'm Coming Out by Diana Ross)

In Finding Daecon's Way:

Episode 14 Chapter 9: This Flight Tonight (inspired by This Flight Tonight by Nazareth)
Episode 16 Chapter 10: If You Go Down To The Woods Tonight... (inspired by lyrics from the children's song Teddy Bear's Picnic)
Episode 24 Chapter 16: Love Is In The Air (inspired by Love Is In The Air by John Paul Young)
Episode 28 Chapter 19: Revelations (inspired by Revelations by Iron Maiden)
Episode 35 Chapter 26: Awaken The Lion (inspired by lyrics from the song Waking Lions by Pop Evil)
Episode 37 Chapter 28: The Astral Plane (inspired by lyrics from Dream Weaver by Gary Wright)
Episode 52 Chapter 38: The Prophecy (inspired by the song Prophecy by Judas Priest)

Oh wait we're also including chapters. all right then.

Chapter 1, The monster and the merchant: basically is because there's a subtle theme in which you have to decide wether Henry is a bad guy or a chill normal guy.

the some of the rest are obvious since is literal things and places that are part of the story

Ch 2, the tavern of the dead: Henry and Larry visits a tavern host by a deity of death
Ch 3, the orc and the bounties: Henry and Larry meet an old friend of Henry who is an orc, and a bounty hunter.
Ch 4, the storage room: most of the story happens in a specific room inside Henry house.

future episodes
Ch 5, The sword of mercy: a powerful sword called like that.
Ch 6, The vixens of blood: again, they meet an old... associate of Henry who are fox demons, who eat humans and other sentien beings.
Ch 7, The monster and the lies: Can't explain this one wihtout too much spoilers
Ch 8 The passage of oblivion: Same.
Ch 9 The temple of mercy: They reach their destiny
Ch 10: The hero and the hare: Again, can't explain without spoilers.

Edit: just did this to the titles to see them better and distribute them better

I don't think there's any super deep meaning behind my comic title, "Linked."
I want something to represent the connection between 2 creatures (Vampires and Werewolves).
The first title that popped up was "Connected," I think. But I searched for different synonyms and settled on "Linked"! :smile:

That's right. :wink: I'm hoping a plant fan might have an "aha" moment on the title someday. :smiley:

Might be my little sister. she loves plants so much she has nightmares about trees burning

I simply picking the title to depict what the story actually is.

Eigria is the fictional world my characters living in. I have a few drafts set in the world (so the titles will begin in "Eigria:"). Some of these characters actually connected to other stories, or what happened in one story has a bit significance in another.

Lume is taken from Latin, means "light", but also can mean "world". It is an alternative I took. It used to be titled as "свет" (romanized as Svet), which means "light", "world", and I found out some stated also means "blessed" and "holy" (cmiiw, I knew this word solely based from internet, if any Russian-speaking native).

I changed it because I am not Russian and afraid if anyone thinks I am one. The story also not set in Russia (although sure it is cold too in Valria). Also, свет would be hard to type in search bar.

Here's my series, if any of you interested:

My little comic's title is kind of self-explanatory. It's about quail having adventures on a starship... so my characters demanded that it be called Space Quail!

Alternative titles I use for this project:

  • Space Quail: A Strange Space Webcomic
    (Because it's part of my "Strange Space" universe, technically being written and drawn by one of the characters in the books I write)

  • The Adventures of Captain Coturnix and the Space Quail
    (This is the long-form title that my characters in the books know the series as.)

My graphic novel is about 4 different characters and their different disabilities. The name of my book is Abilities which is "Disabilities" but without the "Dis".

Check out new episodes every Monday!!!

Long long ago, in an era unknown to today's youth, this old man had a thought. Both the character and the title were born, in part, from dissatisfaction. I was an aging young man who preferred to leave youth behind in favor of solid maturity. (My Dad always said I was born an old man.) Anyway, the fact that books, movies, and TV series were catering mainly to the young irked me. I drew on my hitchhiking experience and imagined an older man who traveled, not the highways and byways, but the galactic net.

I was not quite a hobo, as that era had just passed. I considered myself neither a transient nor homeless, but more of an adventurous wanderer. I was a bum, so the title became The Space Bum. The thought germinated over the decades, until after I was on Tapas, I wrote The Space Bum.

To tell the truth, my character debuted in an early work that I began and never finished. Later in life, I found the hand-written pages of my first Besh incarnation. I write it now as a prequel to The Space Bum series. I took my character in many different directions, but he remains a bum, an adventurous traveler.

I had great joy writing The Space Bum, then, The Old Man, and finally Htohmar Har. Now, I am writing The Regret as an account of one of his many travels as a young man.

Hey there :slight_smile:

My comic Days left behind just got a new episode.
Check it out!

IT´s a zombie themed survival comic with a twist.

Let me know what you think!

Wish you all a good day and the best of health

So the idea behind this title was spit balled between me and my partner on this project. we really wanted a titled that reflected the story's themes: fairy tales and silence, balancing perceptions of childishness with adulthood, and hinting towards the quiet nature of the male lead as well. This is definitely going to be a bit of an unusual story, as a lot of conversations are going to end up a bit more like monologs, because he doesn't tend to be able to respond to people when they're talking to him.

This is the first paragraph of the Wikipedia page:

Orbital decay is a gradual decrease of the distance between two orbiting bodies at their closest approach (the periapsis) over many orbital periods. These orbiting bodies can be a planet and its satellite, a star and any object orbiting it, or components of any binary system. If left unchecked, the decay eventually results in termination of the orbit when the smaller object strikes the surface of the primary; or for objects where the primary has an atmosphere, the smaller object burns, explodes, or otherwise breaks up in the larger object's atmosphere; or for objects where the primary is a star, ends with incineration by the star's radiation (such as for comets). Collisions of stellar-mass objects are usually accompanied by effects such as gamma-ray bursts and detectable gravitational waves.

Basically, its a scientific term that describes the phenomenon of two orbiting bodies that eventually will end up collapsing. And my story is both about weird space phenomenons and an orbital ring around the Earth but also I like to think about it as people orbiting each other, as their relationships ultimately colliding either by evolving into something bigger or destroying one or the two.

Idk it felt very fitting and there's some sort of inevitability to it that I really like it. I was going to call it Even Horizont (the point of no return when orbiting a black hole) but there's a movie with that name so I decided to change it. It would have fitted too, but I think Orbital Decay is a better one

18 days later

We're on the second book now, again the title was made through a lot of spit balling, but i wanted to reflect the idea of fragility and riches, especially given the sort of prince-ish status of my male lead.

As i've described once, the idea is sort of that "Everything perfect is inherently fragile."

The title of my book is a line from a song by an Australian band called Silverchair. The title of the song is "Ana's Song (Open Fire)" and it's about the lead singers struggle with anorexia. As my book uses the framework of a gay romance to explore my own personal experience struggling with anorexia, I felt the line "Love You to the Bones" would be fitting as it epitomizes the main character's realization that he loves anorexia just as much as he loves his new boyfriend. It's a line that really struck a chord with me as it helped me realize that, at the time, I was very much in love with the emaciated appearance and sense of self-satisfaction that anorexia promised me.