Hi! ^^
Thank you so much for reading!!
The thing with my update schedule is... that I update whenever I can...
University takes so much of my time, that I really can not anticipate how much I can draw in a week/month. But I am trying to stick to a chapter/per month at least, if possible! Of course, if I have more time, there might be more updates, or on the other hand, no updates at all.
I know this is kind of a disadvantage and it's not good for the readers either, but unfortunately I can not promise something I might not be able to pull of... :<
Well, if you'd like to write something to my socials, I do have twitter and instagram, but I rarely post there...
well, this might be the perfect time to start!
My Twitter account is: @sirell_sasakoi and my insta: sirell_sasakoi and maybe my Deviantart: Szandy98
And again, thank you sooo much for reading!! <3 (and sorry, for the late answer)