53 / 238
Sep 2019

I see a lot of people have applied, but if it's still possible, it would be neat if you added me to the line.
Comic is called The Frolic and you can read it here:

I would describe it as a psychological/mystery drama/thriller. You know how it goes.

My social media:


Hey there. Would definitely like to here what you'll have to say. Our story is called Hexameron. It is a horror story mostly.


hiii! this is a really cool idea and I hope I'm not too late...
my comic is here:

my instagram:

Fantastic channel you've got there :smiley: I'd love a review if you're willing~

TreasureHUNT!! is a relatively light-hearted romp through a fantasy world following a group of Treasure Hunters. A thief steals their towns prized treasure and so it's up to them to hunt it down and retrieve it.

Genres: Fantasy / Action / Drama

Instagram/Twitter: @Rhonder_Art
Facebook: @Rhonder.Art
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/rhonder
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/rhonder

The first season will probably be completed by the time you get to mine, so it'll be a great time for an overall review :grin:

Since your asking, there's mine.

Brilliant! Thanks for this! I will be sure to check out your channel.

My manga is called Haunted and it is a Supernatural/Mystery/Horror type ordeal.

My twitter: @rantkingmeruem
My manga:

Already subscribed~ HEre's mine~

Channel looks promising, subbed! This is my crime/action comic:

Oh, I remember you from Twitter! :smile:
I actually read your comic yesterday and I truly enjoyed it, although it's still at the beginning! I wrote down my notes for the video I'll make about it... I'm looking forward to your comic's updates! :wink::heart_eyes:

I'm pretty new to Tapas, I've only been posting here a couple of months. Seems that most ppl on Tapas perfer to see a manga/anime style, and so most webcomics that don't follow suit get overlooked and outright ignored. I draw 2 webcomics in a traditional comic strip style, and it has been tough to get views. If anyone remembers what is was like to open up the Sunday paper and read the comics page, then I'd like to invite you to check out either of my cartoons.

Thank you for the oportunity

This is my current comic, i want to post a new one wich im working harder than the one im posting right now, but i have this for now.
The genere its fantasy and comedy, about a girl messing up whit everybody's plans. Its importan to note that this is a short story and im planing on finish it arouhd december, and then start uplading my next comic.

About social media, i have instagram.. only hehe
The username is anithia_drawingcuties (sorry i couldnt find the link)

Hello! :laughing::laughing:
I'm currently reading your comic! :astonished::thinking::heart_eyes:

Could you please inform me about your update schedule? Do you update monthly/weekly/on a specific day a week? I usually don't ask this question because I am checking it on my own (I see the dates when the comic pages were/are uploaded) but I don't see a pattern with your updates (after June, July, August).

Now, as for the social media... What should I write?? :laughing::laughing: Do you have a Facebook page for your comic or even your own account that you want to share? I always write a little something there. If you want me to write nothing, that's okay too. :yum:

Oh, a review like that would be lovely! I don't have a Twitter account, but my Instagram is @liepobelis

My comic can be found here:

The genres are Romance and Low Fantasy. :smiley:

Hi! ^^
Thank you so much for reading!!

The thing with my update schedule is... that I update whenever I can... :smiley: University takes so much of my time, that I really can not anticipate how much I can draw in a week/month. But I am trying to stick to a chapter/per month at least, if possible! Of course, if I have more time, there might be more updates, or on the other hand, no updates at all.
I know this is kind of a disadvantage and it's not good for the readers either, but unfortunately I can not promise something I might not be able to pull of... :<

Well, if you'd like to write something to my socials, I do have twitter and instagram, but I rarely post there...
well, this might be the perfect time to start! :smiley: My Twitter account is: @sirell_sasakoi1 and my insta: sirell_sasakoi1 and maybe my Deviantart: Szandy981

And again, thank you sooo much for reading!! <3 (and sorry, for the late answer)

What an awesome offer. I'd love to get reviewed if you have time.

The Blank Scroll is a fantasy romp with a young female duo of adventurers going after dark artifacts and generally getting into a lot of trouble.

I'm on all kinds of platforms but by "biggest" are
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theBlankScroll/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/theBlankScroll
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blank_scroll/

I'm looking forward to hearing what you think if you decide to pick mine.