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Reviews | Feedback
Looking For Feedback On My Kickstarter Page
Looking for feedback, constructive criticism, or a review? Come on in~
Positivity Reading Your Chapters! (Again!)
Are there any Alpha/beta reader on the lounge?
Can we get review for each others(link you comic or novel)
Can I get review for review on my Novel?
Let's swap reads, subs, likes and comments! (Novel edition)!
Novel to Visual Novel Transition and Art
Anyone willing to review my seiries?
I DARE anyone to read beyond the first chapter!
Critcism for my webcomic
Forum review club | closed
Those who do black and white comics, can i get some advice?
Can you read my chapters and share first impression?
Feedback for my webtoon for a sketch of your oc?
Can we get reviews on our novels from readers to improve our writing
Anyone want their series reviewed? I’m trying my hand in it🙂↕️
Who'd read tho? And actually like it? 👀 Manga style~
What is the first impression & what changes will make it better?
New creater request
Does anyone want a beta reader and or a free art commision?
Which thumbnail and cover do you like more?
The last Train:An Angel's Requiem review
Review and Feedback Swap/ will read up to 20 chapters
What is confusing in this short comic?
3rd Critiques of Soul Might. Chapter 1 Finally complete
SUB for SUB attached with review
First impressions on my comic? Rather new
Hey guys need support and feedback
Is anyone interested in reviewing the first 15 chapters of my story?
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