20 / 26
Mar 9

man you colors are good, but the illustration is a little effortless, i understand the magical scene, much itrospective, but at least let us rate more images...i won't do morals, it's really "THE WORST" to miss confidence in you art, i know, but there willl always be better and worse artists than you...just do your shit if you love doing it

Hello guys :wave:
I was wondering if anyone would rate this as well. I'm just learning digital art and understanding light and shadows so it would be really cool if I could hear your opinion on it

I don't really like giving people's work a "score."
Unless viewed with extremely critical eyes, I think this picture is already quite good.

well man, you colors sure are cool,and it's clear you studied anathomy before drawing, but ya need more rendering, the shadows are not fluid. don't take it in bad way, but it seems a kid drawing, only because you needed more rendering, like that energy around the hands isn't cool, the pose is static too...i'm only saying this because you have clear ideas, and sure put effort in, i think you can do much better, pratcice is the only way, take your time you got it in your blood, so keep working

someone can hel me too? i'm not good with colors i would relly like tecnical advices

The main issue I have with this piece is that it's not clear where the light is coming from. Knowing your light source(s) is key to rending shadows and light. From what I can tell there are 3 big light sources in your work here. The main light source that illuminates the character, the red fire in the background that provides a rim lighting and then the blue energy from the hands.

When dealing with multiple light sources, you have to determine which is the strongest and weakest, the strongest light source will be responsible for the main illumination of your character.

Another thing you should work on is understanding the volumes of muscles. The piece of exposed skin you show, would not be shaded like that.

And you know what, fair is fair, I'll throw my hat in the ring as well for a thorough beat down:

It takes years of endless grinding to level up your art to at least an 8/10. But as difficult as a pill it is to swallow... Sometimes, you just don't cut it and it's time to do something else.

There's the mental and physical limitations that exist that I don't fully understand.

Not everyone can be an Olympic athlete just because you play a certain sport for a hobby.

Same thing with art.

I remember trying to get into an animation program back in the day. Trying so much only to fail. So gave up that pipe dream and did something else. Because they wanted 8/10 art skill at least which looks like this for example...

Fast forward today, I'm making the same money as an animator doing welding/sandblasting.

Don't be discouraged.

Man, the drawing lines are lousy

Well, one of them mentioned something very important, which is that the rating depends mainly on the country where you live

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

i'm honestly confused about the muscles part, i meant it with light from above, are you saying i should've used an other light point or something else? because i was pretty confident about the volume...for the light source can you explain it in more extended and tecnical way? i would really like to uderstand how to do that, i've been coloring for just some months, and i don't have the basics, i would really like to use your experience...and since the post will be deleted can you tell me in private?

Draw using simple shapes, consider the simple shapes when you do the shading,
remember the light source, draw it in black and white first to get the values right

Look at the picture in black and white, it´s really dark and not enough contrast.

I have to say that I´m also just learning this, I have been doing line work for the last
10 years. A good way to practice is to first draw in 2 values only

this one is mine

the one thing that triggers me really much is, how do you do when there are multiple light sources? like the castle and the person, are on different grounds, i was confused on how to do things,

The first important step is to exactly locate the light sources.
You can light 3d models with i.e. apps like hand art reference tool
and set different light sources like in your scene and that this
as a reference

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