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Dec 2021

I've held off on making this post for a while because whenever I would begin to draft it, I would be afraid that folks would get mad at me, but at this point I'm more frustrated at Kakao/Tapas than I'm anxious about it.

The forums do not seem to be going in a great direction. With the 30 day limit, placement of a premium series ad at the bottom of every forum page, the blinding interface, and moving all community events to the official discord, it's pretty obvious that the forum user base is intended to start dying off. So I've created the Tapas Forum Funeral server over on discord. "But wait!!" I hear you typing. This is in no way supposed to be a copy of the official Tapas discord, or suggesting that it's better than said official server or the forums. What I've done with the server is make it as similar to the forums as possible, with permissions that allow anyone to create channels and stuff like that. I'm just using discord as the platform for the server, and I don't intend for it to work like a generic chaotic large-scale community server. It'll be a lot slower-paced, and organized similarly to the forums with different categories for people to create channels in. The plan is for it to be community-made and community-modded, so I'm also looking for trusted, long-time forum members to do server management if they want to.
Now, the purpose of the server is like the title of this topic: In case of emergency. I wouldn't put it past Kakao/Tapas to suddenly shut the forums down or some bullsht like that, so this will be a running substitution for the forums in case of something like that happening.

Anyway I spent like an hour drafting this so please don't get mad at me akjdshjks

  • created

    Dec '21
  • last reply

    Aug '22
  • 32


  • 2.4k


  • 10


  • 60


  • 2


You know.. I was kinda hoping that in case the forums did go down, it'd be nice to have an easily accessible list of forum users or something similar. Just in case we still wanted to keep in touch after. The official Discord is just way too packed as is, and if we had something way more toned down with just us active forum users.. I think it'd be way more easy to adapt to.

Funeral Server with funny picture seems like the closest thing to what I'd want in such a situation :relieved:

I doubt that they will close down if this platform still able to generate money and influence.
But if this space continue to grow as a spamming space for the vocal veterans who do not meaningful benefits to the profitability of Tapas, yes, it might simply just shut down for good.

Let say, if this place have some praises and worship on the premium series, I'm pretty sure the funds behind the premium works would like to keep this place alive.

Don't worry, the officials are watching closely....
Their discord is so peaceful they have to come to the forum.
So shall the forumers set up altars and temples to worship the great people from kakao's m divisions!

We can share our socials so we can still interact with each other if forum dies, and in past few months i'm starting to believe forum will die eventually, a lot of promotions, problem solving,etc... happens on discord

Why panic? Evolution is unavoidable.....
I came from the age of MySpace...
In between, I've surfed Friendster, and then Facebook.
Was once DeviantArt veteran...

I was calling it that as a joke.. :upside_down:

Please don't make me have to explain it
15 days later

Bumping this thread so more people can see this in case anything just suddenly happens to the forums idk

21 days later

Saving this thread before it closes, also bumping so more people can see this
(See original post)

22 days later

Keeping this thread alive, so more people can see this in case anything happens to the forums

You know, it's funny.. this hasn't really felt like a concern lately, but it feels too safe at the same time? Like, it might not get taken down at all, maybe we were just worrying too much.. but that's enough to feel suspicious again lol

it's quiet.. too quiet...

Yeah, it honestly feels like they might be preparing something, I don't really think the higher ups at Kakao would just leave all the independent creators on the forum and not try to make another Tapas Official Discord push because that's where they really want everyone for some reason

Funny. We love the forum so much that we made a Discord backup to avoid getting forced to go on Discord....

Anyway, we got cookies, right?

The point of the backup being a discord is that it's different from the big chaotic official discord where everyone who's heard of Tapas is, and it's just a more chill place.

Another Discord server?

I wonder what happens if Discord ever goes down...

(nothing is eternal, not even Discord)