130 / 142
Nov 2019

Hello, I was told that I can get my support on if I reach 250 subscribers but someone told me that I can get it on during Inks-giving and he send me to you.

Is there by any chance I could get my support activated during Inks-giving?

I don't know if he would read every message on this thread. You'd better also send him an email. His email address is in his first message (sorry I can't cite).

email to activate support is here :point_up:

Hope we hit 25M haha. If we hit 25M, I'll build something for our awesome creators using my person time :grin:
Happy Inksgiving :slight_smile:

I haven't had any ideas what I'll build for you guys yet.. but I think the feature is for only creators not for readers.

I had like 3 ideas and they all sounded like too much work to make you do T_T

I can't guarantee if I can build for the community but please share them with us. I can put our creator wish list if I can't build it this time..

Ok then
1. Access to the forums from the app- I keep getting redirected on my phone straight to the app. (iPhone if it matters)
2. Publish on the app- for when we are doing special events like this. Again I get redirected on my phone all the time.
3. A dark mode for novels, I've heard a lot of people ask about this.

I like to be able to update individual image if I have an update for an episode.
If there is 5 image at that episode and I only want to edit the top image. Right now I have to remove and replace all images to update just one.

Oh yeah that was the other idea. Do Blue's first if you can! Or at least make it to where we can click and drag the files around as needed?

I think you can do that. Upload a new one and drag it to the position that you want to move and then remove old one.
I hope it helps. (There is no any tooltip so some users didn't know about this.. we will improve it soon Thank you!)

  1. That's a bug and I've been tried to look into it but I didn't have a chance yet but I'll fix it ... Sorry about that.
  2. Do you mean publishing comics or novels on the app? If so, sorry.. not for this time. But if it's forums, please let me know.
  3. Maybe you will see it on the website in the near future.

Thank you,

Yes, you can drag the files to change the order! I took some time to figure it out, because you have to click the file first, then it will turn to a darker gray, then you can drag it :grinning:

I really like the idea of a dark mode for novels, I get eyestrain very easily!

Can I just jump in here and beg that the dark mode will be optional only? Because I have the opposite problem: I can't read on sites with dark mode. My eyes will start to tear up in under a minute and I'll see after images for a very, very uncomfortably long time. So as soon as anything turns on an obligational dark mode, I have to abandon the site and more and more of them seem to do that :cry_02:

And btw, you're awesome, Yoon! I'm always surprised at how nice the people from the Tapas team are :grin:

This is my first Inksgiving and I was woefully unprepared xD I ran out of Ink so quickly, haha. But it's been so much fun and everyone's been so kind! Makes me wanna really save up for next year's so I can give out more and last longer :wink: Hope everyone else has been having a good time! :slight_smile: Thanks again for hosting this event!

Dark mode will be optional. You will have some options on novel view. It's still on the design process so it could be changed but I can say.. we're working on it. Thank you.

I have two update idea to you...
1: More space to pictures in the novels, only room for 1,4MB (I think)
2: Easy way to upload pictures to novel (We can only do it with a copy/past in firefox and the quality is falls down.