11 / 38
Jan 2021

You have a great art style! Love the vibrance. :heartbeat:

I defintely am very influenced by my dreams for both my art and writing. My character Stellar has apocalyptic visions which are pulled from actual dreams I have had.

Hey Hello!

Haha my comic is all about dreams and I try to incorporate some of my actual ones into the story! I dream a lot about work, being back in school, and sharks, so I'm trying to plan future chapters around those. One of the dreams mentioned in my story is how a man followed me into a cave and turned into a bear! Thank goodness I woke up in time. Another dream I had was when I was walking along a highway and I saw a man riding a bicycle with a car in the basket! I know weird :smiley: But I can't wait to turn that into a chapter.

Here's my series if anyone's interested:

I have a comic entirely based on dreams actually and its almost a decade old :cry:
It also explores consciousness, altered states, etc. etc. It's pretty long and was started in highschool so forgive me if its a bit wonky.

Thank you! I don't usually read novels on tapas (I just get overwhelmed by lots of text on a phone screen), but I subbed to yours because I was really sucked in by the first issue. Looking forward to getting to the fifth chapter and seeing the dream-inspo!

hahaha. I have really epic dreams some nights and other dreams it's just about me anxiously waiting for an email or something equally drab and annoying

Oh my! Your art style is really colorful and pretty! :revolving_hearts:
To the topic, I have to say a lot of things in my novel are inspired by my dreams (well, rather nightmares mostly). More so, my character Azrael was created after a very vivid nightmare I had and I don't know why but slowly I added more and more to him so that he is the main antagonist now. :joy:
But one of my paintings that was inspired by a dream (which wasn't fully a nightmare luckily) was this one:

Either way, I think it's very interesting for some creators to be inspired by their dreams and nightmares because in a way they are a part of our fantasy too.
Just in case anyone is interested I will leave a link to my novel here because the more I think about it the more I think my dreams were fuel to create this novel.

Thank you! Big compliment coming from such an amazing artist. I like how you incorporate images into your novel. Having jus finished an illustrated novel (not on tapas) I feel so much respect and solidarity with other people doing similar things haha. Excited to see where your story goes :slight_smile:

I love your art style and your unique concept! I used to have a reoccurring dream about sharks but it's been a while haha. Subbed :slight_smile:

Ooooh, my dreams are actually the reason much of my novel's world is so colourful. They inspire my art also.

Thank you - this is so sweet of you! :heartbeat: Well, ch.22 is coming out at the end of this month! And same, I always love meeting fellow artists/writers.

One dream gave me the idea of a new power for my protagonist.......not gonna say what because i avoid spoilers. All i can say is that the idea was.......fascinating :grin:

I've never had a dream about my comic's world or characters. Wish I would though.