22 / 81
Feb 2021

oh dear, sorry about this but... that's a Golden Crowned Kinglet. The pandemic has turned me into a backyard birder.


Okay, insult... one that I've seen a friend use on occasion that is pretty subtle and brutal at the same time:

"I take it your Mama didn't believe in abortion."

Maybe because the bushtit is a plain little thing. I have them in the yard also and they're really quite adorable.

Aye, now that's a proper bouncy little tit!

They built a nest in my rose bush a couple years ago..... the nest looks much creepier than the bird.

I wish we didn't have to have a word count in our replies. Mine would be LOL

Sorry don't have time for small nothing nonsense.
I'm washing my hair

Man I had this small list of really solid insults but honestly it just felt so icky and off brand for me that I can't post them. Instead have this image of a bullshit. I mean bushtit. That seems to be what this thread is about now lol


And then some filler to meet the character minimum :unamused: