2 / 41
Nov 2016

So I'm aware this month is only half way over, but I can already tell unless things just rocket over night, things are not adding up here...

Before anyone asks, literally every page I uploaded in October was a lot of talking. Not exactly the most exciting pages, but as you can see, things went very well in October. This month though, things have been ramping up and I even introduced two new characters. Yet with every page, I've been getting less and less favs and views.
Talking to some people on Twitter, they seem to be going through the same slump with their comics as well lately and I'm just wondering if this seems to be a trend going on and if so, what could be contributing to it?

With that said, I am 100% aware it could just be my comic. I already had one person state that they aren't gonna read my updates weekly anymore, and are just gonna binge read it all later, and I'm sure I have plenty of other readers that are doing this too (And to be clear, I'm not upset about this especially considering I read ongoing comics the same way).
I also worry that now I'm getting well past the 100 page mark, less new readers are subscribing because it appears so long.

I guess I want to also defend myself a bit and state that no, this isn't the end of the world or anything that my traffic is plummeting. My comic is still doing relatively well by Tapastic standards and I'm not UPSET, just worried. Because with such a blatant drop, it's really hard to not wonder if there isn't something going on or if I'm personally doing something wrong.
And the fact others have stated they seem to be experiencing the same lull in traffic as of late makes me wonder if maybe there is something contributing? It could just all be coincidence though.

  • created

    Nov '16
  • last reply

    Nov '16
  • 40


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  • 70


  • 5


November is a very busy month for a lot of college students in the US, plus the end of November is Thanksgiving in the US as well. Not the best time for webcomic traffic!

In my case, my comic's been doing worse and worse views-wise. So while my views are falling this month, it's nothing too far off the projected path. :'D

The "this new comic I just found is too long, I'll check it out later when I have free time... whenever that is..." thing is real, and I have yet to find any solutions to that. :[ We can suffer together? OTL

Mine is at expected levels, but I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. There's always ups and downs in this business, just trust your story and keep working. c: It looks like your quality is still good and you're updating regularly so you aren't doing anything wrong imo.

Oh my god yes! I thought I was the only one. Although I'm sure the election played a big part as people have a lot on their minds right now. It's not just Tapastic traffic though. Twitter feels like a ghost town to me, so I almost wonder if it's even worth it to post anything. I'm trying to soldier on, but it's disheartening. At least I know I'm not alone now.

Just checked and mine is looking similar --

-- but while I was looking, I noticed that last year, I had a LOT of views in October with a sudden drop-off in November and December. I'm pretty new to Tapastic (I just joined last September) so it's hard to say for sure whether that data's an anomaly, but it seems like it might be worthwhile to look into whether it's a seasonal trend?

It'd make sense to me, similar to how weekends are always dead -- people have time off to do things so they're neglecting to read comics -- but I'm curious whether anyone else's experience/data on Tapastic backs that up. : O

Though it may be worth noting that my main site doesn't seem like it's experiencing this; everything's about half the final total of past months:

You gotta follow some more good people, man! ;u; Valerie Halla1 is still posting cute & weird thoughts constantly to make her twitter a positive space, Mary Cagle1 is a good source of magical girls and dog photos, Windy's5 drawing daily dinos, to name a few -- follow a bunch of people who are posting kind things and it'll feel less dead around you! ;u;

Yeah I already commented about this on twitter, and would offer more insight if I could, but since my comic's so new and I didn't start really trying to get out there until halfway through october, this month I've already gone beyond the hits I got last month by a significant amount.... it would be a really terrible thing to compare it to, HAHA (it's more a testament to why shamelessly plugging is better than just sitting there than anything)

I think what @keii4ii makes a lot of sense about students and thanksgiving, though. Lots of stuff to do to drag you away from reading >8( (You'll be getting my hits soon though, I swear)

I am doing okay so far...just waiting to see if the Thanksgiving holiday next week is going to affect my weekly reads. I'm at about a little more than half of my highest monthly total views.

Ive kinda been non responsive on Twitter, coz while the election here has gotten me a bit down, I dont care to dwell on it forever. I'm at the point where I'm next to tired of all the negativity in regards to the election. I get it and I'm angry too, but I'm not gonna go on ranting about it forever.

I'm just trying to finish up my comic, get some other stuff done and see what I can do to make my 2017 better than 2016. I wanted to have 3 whole months to work on fan art & other projects, but getting sick back in October slowed things down for me massively. So now I only get December & January to do a little bit of stuff coz I gotta get to work on the next issue of my print series, & script out Ray Thunder Ch 2 at the same time.

oof this hit too close to home, going through the same thing right now and just feeling like there's no way out > < A little more reassuring to know I'm not the only longform creator feeling this though (without adding salt to the wound lol)

My comic broke its views record this month, so doing good thus far.

I've only been here 4and a half months; but the data says...the first month was an anomaly because of staff picks, but I did suddenly shoot up in October a little, and in Nov I'm way below; hypothetically though it's about half of my second month, so it could reach about that same amount, but there's still the weird shoot up in Oct when I didn't even do that much advertising.

Compared to October? YES. Compared to any other month? Nah.

I'm actually doing a lot better than I did last month (October was an INCREDIBLY low month for me until the very last week, when I almost got caught up.)

But I think most of my thing is just… I happened to get a bunch of binge-readers this month. ALSO. My views were practically zero all last week, I think due to the election.

I dont think its just you, i've been facing this problem as well and been getting less and less views each month here on tapastic...also less comments and engagement than before.

Oktober definitley stood out for my comic too. I guess november will be a little below it. I think my views have upped ever since I decided to color my comic. Also as mentioned before I too think that people have a lot on their minds these days.

Historically Nov/Dec have always been rough months for me and my comic. Mostly because I didn't have time to promote the comic, or have consistent updates. I was busy with school or holidays. Then I'd see a spike in Jan/Feb because that was the beginning of con season, and I give out the most flyers and do the most advertising that time.

So I feel your pain!

You know, I didn't look until just now but, November was incredibly slow for me last year as well (granted, I don't think I posted a ton in November last year, as I had just started posting in October). But I do think you're right that that's a contributing factor.

Unfortunately, I do think this contributes too and at least there's more than one person in this boat. :'D I don't think it's the biggest reason for my own comic though, as I was well past 100 pages for all of November as well, and still broke my record.

Definitely not the only one! Though there do seem to be some exceptions on this thread, seems there is a lull for a lot of people. I'm kind of relieved to know I'm not alone too.
As for Twitter, I don't think I'm doing necessarily WELL on it, but I've met so many fun people to talk to that it's making it worth it for me. :'D

Yeah same here. I only joined last October, which I did very well for my first month, then plummeted in November. Granted, I don't think I was posting much in November last year, but like you were saying, I don't think I've been here long enough to take any serious note of patterns or just chalk it up to coincidence.

Amen to that. :'D That's been a growing fear of mine, and this isn't helping it.

I've kind of noticed this too? But I've been chalking it up to my pages' content. There have been a lot of pages where I'M not even sure what to say in the description, so I don't know what I'd say if I were a reader. Comments come in random spikes for me, it seems? Like my last page did probably the worst in favs and views that I've had in...months, yet I got a ton of comments.

With all of this said, I kind of came across another thing that I'm wondering might be contributing? At least to my comic, though I'm sure there are other comics that fall into this "bottom of the popular section" club that are being affected too.

For the past couple of weeks, whenever you click the comics tab on the front page, you are not being directed to the Browse All section, rather than the popular section. The browse all selection consists of the most popular comics on the site, based on number of subscribers. MANY of these comics are in active, some having not even updated since 2015. And this is where all of the traffic that normally went to the front page of the Popular section is now going.
My comic in particular tends to frequent the bottom of the front page of the popular section or the top of second page. I know not everyone is landing in this ranking, but I've noticed the other comics that tend to upload around the same time as me suffering as well ever since this browse all update.
Because now nobody is seeing the rest of the popular section or the next pages. All they are seeing is the two top rows on the main page, then when they click "comics" to see more, they are being directed to the already immensely (and mostly inactive) Browse All section.
Now I'm not saying this is the SOUL reason my comic is doing much more poorly, however I'm certain there are far, far fewer people exploring the bottom of the popular section or the next pages now that they aren't being directed there. And yes, I have been noticing the other comics that usually float around mine in the popular section suffering and not getting as far as they use to as well. So while I don't think it is the only reason, I do think it is contributing.

With that said, I did actually ask Tapastic about this on Twitter and was very, very disappointed to hear that "it is permanent for now." So all that traffic that traffic is going to the already established mega popular comics of this site, some of which don't even post here anymore. Instead of, ya know, on going popular series, new series that made it there, comics that are getting just enough to make it to the bottom like mine, or just the Fresh section like I know a lot of people want.

THIS. This, so much ._. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's been slightly annnoyed with this.
Having traffic instantly going to the browse section was a bad idea on tapastic's side in my opinion.

These comics rarely update and some are indeed inactive. Also seeing the same comics on a page everytime you click on 'comics' gets old fast.
In my opinion it would be the best to direct traffic to the 'fresh' section instead of 'browse' or 'populair' This way great comics what would go by unnoticed may get noticed.
Just my 2 cents.

I can't be SURE, but the gist I sort of got from my conversation with them about it on Twitter was it was more of an accident that's very low on their priority list to fix. I don't think it was an actual decision to switch it to Browse All.
But I can't say for sure. Here's the actual thread if you'd like to judge for yourself:


Personally, I think the ideal solution would be to have a choice like you do with DeviantArt's front page:
If you select "Newest," that is what you will always be directed to when you go their front page, until you change it to another section. I'm one of the few people that doesn't actually mind the popular section being the default, but I really do think it'd be awesome for people to have the option for the Fresh section (or any other section for that matter) to be their front page is they desired, like how DeviantArt has it.

I agree with you on it. I don't benefit from it either way, as my comic never makes it to popular/trending ever these days, but it'd be nice to get a full page of popular or trending instead of sub order. As a reader, I would like to see something new every time I click on that link.