4 / 14
Apr 2021

Hi everyone! I’d like to have a bit of a discussion. In your opinion, how many stories is too many? I personally am a rather prolific writer. Lately I have been having more story ideas than I know what to do with so I have been starting them and seeing how they go. Now, I have a few stories I completed, pulled, and published after starting them on Tapas. I post as I write and I find that if I get stuck on one story I can just jump to a new one for a bit. I do circle back and finish all my stories eventually. However, is there a point where you would say that too many works in progress are up by an author? I write with habits left over from days of writing hundreds of shorts for fanfiction and so far the majority of my readers seem okay with the jumping around. Plus it gives me a feel for which stories would do best with a longer stay on the site and which I should wrap up, pull, polish, and publish.

  • created

    Apr '21
  • last reply

    May '21
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Personally I think the only time I'd find an issue with having a vast number of different stories is when none of them are getting finished. I myself am a person whose got a lot of story ideas and have a tendency to come up with new ones often so being able to bounce around is convenient when I'm stuck on one but find a better flow for another but yah it's the stories not being finished i think that tends to be the reason i've seen most folks grow wary

I used to work with up to ten projects at any given time, but I narrow it down, now I limit to three at most because:
1. Time: A story (whatever format) needs time to rework, polish, edit, publish and... promote. Otherwise it’s just a shout to the sea. So all these less creative aspects take up time slots, but they’re all worth doing when motivation for the project is still high. After it becomes very tedious.
2. Uniqueness: Different projects should fuel each other, not taint each other. When I worked on too many projects, some elements just duplicates. Even though the original drive for each project is very different, with time, elements of one project affect another project. It can be good, if research i do for one project can open new exciting directions for another. But it can be bad, when I start merging characters (like aligning the way they speak). The more projects, the more likely I standardize my creations, and I don’t want that.
3. I’m getting older... :tea:

I think "prolific" only becomes a problem when you have no order to your chaos. While I'm a big fan of writer's developing their own style and workflow, I do think writing requires a lot of discipline. When I was younger, I started a lot of stories but for one reason or another, I never finished them. It wasn't until I started getting older and working on my current series that I found the discipline to finish a story from start to finish.

I've read a bunch of fanfiction online and while it's not all bad, I do think a lot of the current trends in fanfiction aren't healthy for writers who are developing their skill set. Despite my own feelings for the genre (subgenre?) as long as you are working at a pace that's healthy for you and doesn't burn you out, it's fine to have a lot of projects going.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a prolific writer, as long as you finish your projects and your readers are happy.

I think it depends on what you want out of it--if this process works well for your writing, then go ahead. If you want to make one story in particular your main and get it really strong and well marketed--you don't really have time to do hundreds. It's kind of like pruning tomatoes--you gotta cut off some sucker vine to make the main vine really strong (although all sucker vines produce quality tomatoes). But, you don't actually ever have to prune a tomato, especially if this is just for the fun of it.

Personally I got a thing on Tapas that I know I won't finish, but I have it up there just because I like what's there so far...and occasionally like once a few months I might drop an update. It works for me because I don't care if it makes tons of viewers, it's just for me, vs my other stuff where my veiwership is a higher goal, so I do more regular updates.

I'd say, even if you're writing a whole bunch of stories, you should only be publishing two or three at a time. Keep writing the others as inspiration strikes, store them away, and once you've finished your currently publicly-available series, you can post the ones you've been keeping in reserve.

I am prolific, and the only drawback of that is that I can’t promote, because I have so many stories. If you have readers, you don’t have a problem, no matter what you do.

My take:
Dude, I'd love to be more 'prolific', to have more stories out there just taking up space and soaking up views. Problem is, I 've had terrible luck so far with how long my stories get (my first completed novel-level draft is between 80-90k words, my second is looking to be much bigger than that). Personally, I write off of intuition, so I'd hate to overload it by pursuing too many projects at once. Plus, you know, dividing time between too many projects means you never get anything done.

Also, maybe this is a silly opinion of mine, but: You're not prolific unless you're actually publishing something. If you have 30+ stories and are completing none of them, that doesn't make you prolific, that makes you a procrastinator.

I think generally speaking, being prolific is rarely a bad thing- especially for personal growth/practicing skills. Doing a large quantity of relatively fast work is a great way to improve most any skill quickly (rather than spending tons of time agonizing over doing fewer "perfect" works).

That said, as others have already mentioned, I do think it's important to be wary of finishing what you've started even if you've got multiple things going on at once. I strongly believe that an author should feel comfortable dropping or sidelining projects as need be for their own well being (rather than forcing themselves to finish something just for the sake of it), buuut there is something to be said for building up trust in your readers with finished works (or conversely, breaking that trust if many stories are always popping up and none are getting finished :sweat_smile: )

It doesn't sound like an issue for you since you mention having completed works, which is great! But there is one creator from tapas that I always think about as my go-to example of "I don't follow their work anymore because they kept starting and dropping stories all the time". Their first work was really great and I was a big fan of it. After a few chapters they put it on hiatus for a while which was no big deal... until they started a new series a few months later. The first one never updated again. So I started following the new series but... it got a few updates in and then also went on hiatus, after which a 3rd story popped up. That 2nd one has never been updated again either, and now the 3rd work (which I didn't follow) is also on hiatus lol. I consequentially check in on their stuff from time to time but no longer feel like getting invested. It feels more likely than not that new stories won't make it far it before getting dropped at this point :sweat_01:

My preference is to be prolific, but on one story at a time. I like to jot down ideas and thoughts for future story ideas for safe keeping, but rather than spending a bunch of time writing/drawing for a bunch of series at once, I instead take the "prolific = speed x quantity" approach and just do as much work as I can for a single project :slight_smile: Not that that works for everyone, of course, but in that way I try to complete stories as fast as possible without dipping below a certain quality threshold, learn new lessons and techniques along the way, and launch into the next project even stronger!

YES. The part about not finishing them. The procrastination. ALthough there's nothing wrong with creating new distractions. I think we've all been there.

I totally understand where you are coming from regarding having too many ideas! However, I find that with every new idea I think of - I start to notice similarity between the ideas, which makes it hard to distinguish the originality/uniqueness of my ideas.

Being a prolific writer is not bad at all. If you have the time and capability to write alot, you should definitely keep on writing! However, if you jump from one story to another - i can see how you might start crossing ideas from each other - creating a possibility of being too similar to one another. It might be beneficial if you wait before you post all your incomplete story until you're at a half way point. That gives you time to look at your story with fresh eyes!

1 month later

I am trying this year to move toward slower pace of development. Maybe 3 novels per year, but with up to 5 editing runs. I am very lucky because I got a great workshop partner with one of my novels, so it will help me to slow down and spend far more time on it.

Prolific is definitely the enemy of editing, and I feel that editing is what I need to learn better.

So, I see myself editing my principal books more and writing the new ones less. I am not sure if it will help me to reach my writing goal of producing a popular book, but I don’t see other practical ways atm.

Prolific authors are wonderful. Release your many projects in all genres possible!