17 / 143
May 2024

I kinda want to give a go at her. She seems cool!

In exchange, serve my hyperfixation, and draw my boy Harry Houdini! Weeeee!

The real him in case you need a close to life one of him

And here his Cilaverse incarnation

Good luck

I'd love to see you draw my OC - his name is Sharpe he's a thunder bug. Give it a go if you wanna!

I find it fun and easy to draw him :slight_smile:

Yeah sure, I'll give Houdini a shot :slight_smile:

It is! She gets it in the 4th Chapter, so it'll be a while before we get to see it within the story itself haha. But I cannot be contained by the constraints of time, and will jump bac and forth as I please :laughing:

OOoh she came out great! Nice job on the pose as well :grin:

I forgot to post my FL for anyone who wanted to try their hand at her:

Art by Mariel Leister.
Her hair is dark brown now, but this is the gist of her

Here's Kyara. I usually make my girls faces much rounder, but since she seems to be heavily triangle based I stuck with that. I also like doing girls with thick eyebrows so haha.


Your little bug. I love drawing cute things so this was fun

@abigaillmartin your Kyara gives me ninja vibes XD

Nicely done! Not as Dsiney as I was expecting haha :laughing:

Funily enough she used to have a rounder design, but it evolved to her current angular self because it was faster and easier to draw for me.

Lol, I think everyone has different motions that come easier to them for some reason. But my style isn't super duper Disney as you might have seen in the pictures in the OP, I just think I'm a bit inspired by Disney, because I'm Gen Z XD

Disney is 100 years old, I think at this point we're all inspired by it :laughing:

oh I meant 'Disney XD' specifically, I forgot the XD

I’m gen z as well @Leyelle

Well some people say I’m also a zellienial

Apparently it’s a thing :flushed: but I consider myself the older part of gen z