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May 2024

Promote your story, but you must do so in tandem with one fact about your story that includes the word "may."

It could be something like: My male lead was born in May. On mother's day actually!

Or: My female lead MAY have stolen her super powers. They were supposed to go to her younger brother.

Alicia and Kattar may have both been on the verge of a confession that night before...you know.

May is definitely the only month a game like this works for XD

edit: forgot my own teaser XD:

Kattar may have wanted to get rid of Alicia:

“Why did you wake me up?”


“That night. You woke me up, and insisted I go home.”

"Cooties Part 2" comes out this Friday!

  • created

    May '24
  • last reply

    May '24
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May is the start of the Summer season in "French Cup", as Children's Day is May 5th and there's also Golden Week! Golden Week is when everyone in Japan has the week off. There's a big sale at French Cup, the drag queen owned bakery and coffee place the book is named for. Come read this comedy! You'll laugh so hard!

Here's the latest episode. You MAY enjoy it. Jamie remember the full story of when his hands were cut while making a starling discovery that MAY be really important. Taylor is is unimpressed by Jamie's startling discovery. It MAY be that he comes to regret that decision later. Also there's a shout out to the health benefits of Kimchi.

XDDD, I love fermented foods. My family makes a kind of fermented cabbage ourselves (just made another batch on Monday in fact)

Hi, everyone! It's me! I'm back! :DDD

Letter Addressed To The Fire is finally out! :)) This story is about two prodigies of rival groups who meet and find solace in one another without knowing they are bound to face each other in the future. Their relationship MAY be platonic or romantic :eyes: Let this be your call :wink:

The story is told through letters, documents, newspaper articles, and the likes, but MAY also be the thoughts of the characters. Main chapters go out every Saturday at 7 pm. If the chapter has a continuation, the updates are spread throughout the week.

Please look into it! Like and comment if you feel like it! Also, let me know your thoughts so the story can improve <3 Subscribe if you find it interesting, please <3 Hope you like it! :))

there better be a link to a YT video with you playing the lute XD