24 / 24
Jan 24

Mais duas páginas da Tupiniquins – Mato Virgem!

O link de pré-lançamento!

Semana que vem tem mais!

Tupiniquins #MatoVirgem #Quadrinhos #HistoriaEmQuadrinhos #hqbrasileira #LiteraturaBrasileira #Catarse #Tapas

The new year has been big for me, releasing a lot more these days

Let me tell you a tale.

From the Dead Oceans, Kumamoto Setsune reawakens after thirty hundred years. Without a home, with who knows how much time left, and with her life the target of many an Aeternum, Disaster Beast, and more, she travels towards her old home. In the Great City of Rem, she seeks to find something for herself.

Welcome to the Recycling Theatre, enjoy your stay
Genres: Fantasy, Action, Drama
Sub genres: LGBTQ, Slow Burn, Sci Fi
Inspirations: Gintama, Symphogear, Castlevania

Ni. Here are mine.

Good morning/afternoon/evening! If you are searching for something to read and see, check our graphic novel! Please consider subscribing and giving a like. We also have our own youtube channel where there will be the animated series of this graphic novel, so subscribe please! Its called Unime Studio, thank you for checking. If you comment for a shoutout in the graphic novel, you will be called in a shoutout in the channel! This novel will have realistic and raw situations that happen in real life in actuality!
Here´s the link: :slight_smile:

Youtube channel:


I got a new novel that just launched with more chapters scheduled, and a lot of really cool/sexy artwork, too! I was inspired by Street Fighter (of which I am a life long fan) to crate my own martial arts story with that kind of energy and art! Hope people like it! :muscle:🏽 :eyes:

This one actually started this month.

Misteriosos agentes sequestraram a turma
do Sítio do Picapau Amarelo!

Felizmente, Emília escapou.
Com seu pó de pirlimpimpim ela vai buscar ajuda de Policarpo Quaresma, Peri, Martim e Macunaíma.

Mergulhe nessa aventura e viaje com eles pelo tempo e espaço e descobrindo quem são esses agentes.

Se gosto, siga, curta, comente e compartilhe!!

Darius and Edward flee the headhunters, only for Edward's grave injuries to reveal the fragility of their survival. As Edward recounts his haunting past and the mysterious power within Darius, he entrusts his dying wish to find his long-lost daughter. With tears and resolve, Darius buries his mentor and carries the burden of a promise, stepping toward the unknown with newfound strength and purpose. Will he unlock his potential and honor Edward’s final wish?

New Episode

If anyone is searching for a new and unique fantasy novel to read for the winter season filled with classical fantasy creatures, battles against Gods and a twist on the chosen one then check out The Lost Forest .

Elyn is trying to solve the mystery of her brother’s disappearance while also guiding souls to the afterlife.

Yalls, can take a gander at my comic, If you like scifi, horror, creature features!
Essentially, this is a story of grief and moving forwards after losses. Salvador Hendricks, a mission commander, is driven from a dying Earth into space tries to find solace after the collapse of humanity and his husband's passing. In his missions abroad into the stars he finds himself in a predicament, up against an alien lifeform ...and becoming an unsuspecting father to ten children.

This is new!

Episódio 4 de Tupiniquins – Mato Virgem no ar!

Caramba, será mesmo verdade que a Emília desceu a esse ponto!?
Acesse o link para descobrir.

O link está na bio e aqui:

Só peço que, curtam, comentem e compartilhem para que a HQ chegue a mais pessoas.