1 / 368
Jun 2021

Some days you just don't work on your comic, even though you really want to. But no need to wait for motivation...I'm starting a July Comics Challenge so we can get stuff done for our comics everyday.

- Try to draw/work on your comic for a minimum of 30 minutes every day during July 2021.
- You can share here, anywhere, or don't share at all. Use #comicschallenge on Instagram if you like (so we can follow each other there).
- Introduce yourself below if you'd like to join.
- Latecomers welcome.

Printable calendar12 for July.
Social media shareable9 to help explain the event if you like.

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There are 367 replies with an estimated read time of 44 minutes.

Hi, I'm Gabriella. For this July Comics Challenge I'll be working on continuing development for my comic, Kindred Not. The main thing I want to work on this month are drawing model sheets. I'm looking forward to seeing what other people will work on this month. You can find my past comics, art tips blog, social media links, etc. here: gabriellabalagna.com

I will do this!!! Thanks Gabriella! I hope it will work.

Hi My name is Kiab. I'm 33 years and live in the Pacific North West.

Since I was young I told myself I would make a comic before age 30. Well! That didn't work but I am trying to hit that goal for my past so I can say I fulfilled that goal .My goal is to finish one chapter for a comic.

Any questions for me just ask away!

Hi Kiab. Sweet, this is gonna be fun! Feel free to share any progress in here. Is the comic you'll be working on called, Open Flame?

Yes! I want to improve the story and the art. Will have to do brainstorming and concept art. Not going to make pages yet but hope that will be in the near future.

I might throw in with this. I already consistently produce a page a week, which means I'm working on my comic an average of 3-5 days a week anyway, so it might not be that much of a challenge, but maybe it will! At least it will increase the odds I produce more than four pages a month, so that's a bonus.

(And, ironically, I'm ALSO from the Pacific Northwest. waves at @KiabIce )

Is the intent regarding sharing progress to post WIP images? The pages I'm about to dive into are extremely spoilery so I'd have to choose the panels I share carefully.

Hey hey! Represent! Ahha

Wasn't the heat wave crazy?

Yeah I believe you post your work. You don't need to share spoilers if you don't want :slight_smile:

OH MY GOD. Our AC units almost gave out yesterday. O_o And it's almost 20 degrees cooler today, thank god. I'm from Portland, I'm not designed for 114 degrees.

Regarding posting, I'm sure I can find individual panels that don't give things away. And showing people rough-to-pencils-to-ink-to-marker-flats-to-marker-shading-to-finished is always fun.

I live in P town too! This is awesome! :smiley:

At least you had AC! We don't get AC till tomorrow! Yes yesterday night there was a breeze it was really nice after such a hot hot day.

Yay, so glad you're joining! Upping your frequency/page rate sounds like a good goal.

Yup, people can share any progress they like:
- sketches
- thumbnails
- panels
- concept art
- "today I worked on scripting"
- "today I did proofreading"
- etc.

And of course, daily sharing is not required. So no worries about sharing spoilers. Sharing your process sounds really interesting too!

this seems like a nice challenge, to bad its exactly now when i finished up a chapter and intend to actually take july off to rest my wrists :sweat_smile:

maybe ill join in with some sketches now and then or maybe ill just lurk and watch the hashtag :sparkles:

really love your modelsheets, they look very well worked through and great reference to have :open_mouth: i should try do something like that someday!

No worries, rest your wrists, and feel free to join in whenever you like, even if it's just here and there.

Thanks so much about the model sheets. Really tried to keep them clean and detailed. Your characters in Djinns have really lovely designs, would love to see model sheets of them. :slight_smile:

Finally, an art challenge that is compatible with my current projects!!!!! :grin:

Will give it a shot....

I'm Diego Palacios, creator of Rocky the Rock1, Superduperdoopyclub2 and Legends of Camelot2......

Will aim to upload weekly each of these 3 comics, however, Rocky the Rock will start uploading from the second week.....

Will publicly accept the challenge here and let peer pressure encourage an increase in productivity :smiling_imp:

Welcome, Diego! Henceforth, we shall question you and pressure you daily to hold you accountable to the challenge. Just kidding! So glad this challenge is a good fit for you, and excited to learn about your comics.

I don't think I can draw literally every day, but I vouch to draw every day I'm home. Guess that's not quite the same, but close enough huh?

For sure. Also, sharing is not required, but if you need ideas on what to share, you could give
- link to rough draft
- outline
- excerpt/quote
- link to an update on Tapas
- what you worked on that day

Let us know what you plan to work on. A comic script? A novel?

Right now I'm working on actually finishing my novel and the script for its webtoon! ^^

Just 1 more day until the challenge begins, Everyone! :star2:

Here's a free printable calendar10 for the challenge. (It can be used to help keep track of your progress, plan what you'll work on a certain day, or plan what days you might be pressed for time and need to schedule in when you'll work on your comic.)

Also, here's a free social media shareable3 to help explain the challenge on social media if you like.