4451 / 4469
Mar 18

Can't believe we are at 25 Chapters and counting! It feels like yesterday that I started writing it and now we are around 13 chapters from finishing Volume 1!

Anyway, here are the links if you want to check it out.

Feel free to have a loooook! I'll leave a small description for you sailors :blush: I'd appreciate all kinds of feedback too!

Gay pirates, bad decisions, and enough tension to sink a ship! Cassian, a runaway noble, ends up stuck on The Red Wind with Thorne, a legendary (and infuriating) captain he may or may not want to punch. Or kiss. Probably BOTH. There’s a cursed brother, a high-stakes mission, and way too much unresolved tension. Hop aboard for chaos, rivalry, and questionable life choices on the high seas!

SUB 4 SUB!!!!

Episódio 12 e final de Tupiniquins – Mato Virgem no ar!

Nossos heróis chegam a um lugar cantado em verso e prosa onde somos amigos do Rei.

O link está aqui:

Só peço que, curtam, comentem e compartilhem para que a HQ chegue a mais pessoas.

Se está querendo saber o que acontece depois disso, só adquirindo a HQ física. :slight_smile:
Dia 27/03 começa a campanha de financiamento da versão impressa da Tupiniquins - Mato Virgem lá no Catarse!
São 123 páginas de HQ e ainda conteúdos extras sobre os personagens e títulos presentes na obra.
Vai na página de pré-lançamento da campanha e segue o projeto para receber o alerta de início!


HELLO, GUYYYYSSS! New chapter is ooouuuut! This is one of my favourite ones.

Gay pirates, bad decisions, and enough tension to sink a ship! Cassian, a runaway noble, ends up stuck on The Red Wind with Thorne, a legendary (and infuriating) captain he may or may not want to punch. Or kiss. Probably BOTH. There’s a cursed brother, a high-stakes mission, and way too much unresolved tension. Hop aboard for chaos, rivalry, and questionable life choices on the high seas!

You may have a look here:

Hello, everyone; I will be updating the description of each chapter every Friday to add a Q/A. You can add your answer to the comments. I look forward to hearing from you! Also new chapters come out every Wed and Sat!

Chapter 26, Blade in the Dark, is live, with the most intense chapter so far! It's where a lot of answers are given for the biggest mystery of the story so far, so be sure to check it out! :triumph:

just updated Uproot! New character POV is up!
LGBTQ novel in progress with multiple character POVs.

Do you like fairy tales? How about mythologies? Isekai?

What will happen when fairy tale world got destroyed and next in line is the reality world? How about when the mythology characters where living alongside with the humans? The journey and battle to defend the world and stop its destruction starts. Chosen people will act to fulfill the wish of those fallen.

Have a read if you have time.