I will subscribe to yours, subscribe back!
I've created my channel on Discord, feel free to join to share your art, get feedback and make some friends!
My goal is to create a supportive and safe environment for creators, helping them to promote themselves and make them grow! Comic artists and novelists, you are all welcomed!
Join my channel: https://discord.gg/GvUXxbeUEk1
Sorry, I wanted to make sure!
Thank you so much for reading, Like Ecstasy! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it.
Yeah I worry that there's a few grammar errrors in there. Sorry about that! I need to schedule a day to re-edit the whole story, I've seen a couple when re-reading and I'm like 'F***! How did I miss that?'
Nonetheless, I hope you'll continue to read the rest of the story!
Welcome to Tapas~
Recently, I just completed the first chapter of my BL story (and finally gathered my courage to publish it)
I made this one based on Indonesia's mythical creature
Title: Love is Blind Enough to Make You Smile
Genres: BL, Fantasy, Drama
The love based on fragile bonds between a mythical creature, Genderuwo and human. Every single of them held secret that will make their happy moments turns into forgotten dust.
Would they survived as one or become enemy to each other?
" Even if you will hate me for sure... "
" God... If you do exist, please keep our love as blind as ever. "
Please check it out if you're interested~ >___<
Hi @catalystra
Thanks for sharing, I'll check it out.
No, this TOTALLY isn't a bump
Happy New Year everyone!
I was curious to see what new BL stories are coming soon this year from you guys. Have you started any new projects?
I'm finishing my story next week and I feel like I have to start all over again with writing a new one. I'm kind of scared...is that strange?
I guess this is the time for that. I just finished my story and although I have a few ideas of what I might want to do, no real direction.
I've got one started that is set in Japan between a white kid from the US whose parents just moved there to teach and a Japanese kid who just returned from NZ where his dad was an Ambassador. Both end up at this semi-prestigious international school.
Second possible project is this kid whose mom takes off for reasons, and he tries to cover for the fact that she is gone in the hopes that she comes back. But eventually he and his boyfriend take off together when stuff gets too complicated (like facing possible eviction).
But all I really want to do is keep poking the project that I just finished. BUT it needs to sit there for awhile and think about what it has done before I should be allowed to touch it again.
Do you have any ideas of what you might do next?
I love your ideas they sound really interesting, especially the second one!
Aside from writing a sequel for my almost completed story, I have a couple of ideas that I'm tinkering with right now for my second title:
First one was light-hearted rom-con BL where two exes fatefully meet again as new neighbours in London.
My other idea was a feared assassin being entrusted by his secret crush to be a bodyguard for a bratty rich kid who is being targeted. Ends up becoming some sort of love triangle (or not, haven't decided yet).
I have a third one which is like a dystopian sci-fi BL but...that one needs a lot of work and world-building.
So I will probably focus on my sequel first...after taking a good long break, of course. I've been posting daily chapters since end of September last year
Sequel is good I am working on a sequel atm as well, but I don't plan to try BL again, because I think I blended in too much fantasy or whatever, or otherwise didn't get it right. So, I need to understand where I am going wrong before committing to the genre again. It was a good experience, but I didn't reach the wider readership like I've hoped to.
Aww, I think you've done really well considering how saturated the genre is to break into. I love your writing style.
If only there was a magic recipe to get everyone's stories successful on Tapas! There's some real gems out here (including yours) that don't get the reads they deserve
It's great to hear that you're working on your sequel though. I hope you'll have another try at BL in the future, I would love to see it!
Title: Magic Tricks
Genres: BL, Romance, Mystery, LGBTQ+
Summary: Alec Smoke is a gloomy magician who hates children. When he inevitably ends up
ruining a kid's birthday party one day, he has to face the wrath of the kid's
parents before he then loses his job.
He thinks his life is now all over before a mysterious man offers him a place in his circus.
Will your novel contain mature love scenes?: Maybbeee