1 / 105
Feb 2

Hmmmm giving murder mystery vibes.
I’m gonna take a wild guess and say there’s a damsel in a red dress. :thinking:

I'm going to guess it's about a city of people who are kicked out of society for some reason. Possibly because they look odd, or some sort of disease, power, or gene that makes them look different from other people, because of that odd patch on the skin around the guys face.


I do know a bit about your story already, but judging by the cover, i would guess that one of the characters is a boxer maybe?

Yeah, I’m pretty sure I remember seeing that other person’s post XD

Why does everyone always guess murder? there's a paint brush in the corner!

it’s a little easy to miss on first glance I suppose :thinking:

That guess is fairly accurate, except they’re all just descendants of people who got kicked out and have never bother to leave XD

Aish, maybe I should change the cover lol, though tbf, there's a lot of blood by the second chapter

mkay, i know a bit about yours, but I'm gonna guess it's about a prince in a midieval type world that's not very bright or hopeful, and he's trying to walk away from his duties.

Maybe the colour would do (different kind of red). But if it has blood on chapter 2 then why not :laughing:

For mine, guess it quite depicts the synopsis then 🤣

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