41 / 78
Mar 2021

Comics? Comics!

56 followers away from 100 on this one!

Aaaaand 88 more until 100 for this one XD

I am on the road to 100, I currently have 56 subs! I do hope my pride and joy, Menmar, is to your liking!

My main webcomic is Chion and Kobi. I'm almost there to 50 and like to build a fanbase. If you're looking for a cute and fun webcomic featuring a cuddly animal and middle school life, you can check it out.

Here's my side comic.

Here's my novel.:slight_smile: I'm striving for 100 subs and at 98 now.

I am 87 away. Haha nowhere near but still pretty cool (kinda).
Here is my series Above and Over, please do subscribe!

Hi, guys! Could you read my novel? If you like it, please comment and subscribe!

hi guys! Could you read my novel? Tell me what you think about my novel and subscribe!


You can message me after you subscribe and then I'll subscribe to your work a good deals right?

Here is my weekly Sunday series. Each episode is more funny then the last.