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Feb 2021

(not sure how to categorize this, so forgive me for putting this in comics, although I feel like it can apply novels as well.)

OK, so I was thinking about reading lists lately, and how I like them because they're curated by a living, human being with good taste, and thought maybe we can pull together and make some reading lists using some webfiction that we've read and enjoyed and goes with a fun theme!

What's better is that getting your stuff in a list with other people promotes everyone, and if you have a fun and quirky theme, it's easy to recommend in places like twitter or on social media, and if it's on a list website like pinterest, increases chances for more clicks.

So I'm gonna start making some (I'm taking my time but I'm currently making one of "Stories with Fangs") which, unsurprisingly, must feature stories with sharp teeth.

Lets put those lists onto a listical type place where other people outside this forum can see em, like making a pinterest Board, or...wherever people like to make their reading lists that they share with other people (I don't know many list sites, feel free to post any that you use). And then put a link to your lists here so we can be inspired together by your beautiful boards!

  • created

    Feb '21
  • last reply

    Feb '21
  • 2


  • 284


  • 2


  • 4


Fun idea! But it's a lot of effort. Wish tapas itself would support a listmaking feature

It is work, but I've been wanting to do this for my readers for a while now, like a monthly recommendation list--just to get me more into the reader's space. I feel like I'm always promoting to the creators space and they don't freakin read anything, not just my comic but freakin nothing cuz they have no time :joy: