20 / 70
Jul 2024

Aw thank you!! :heart::heart:

He's a werewolf and his name is Opalescent. My comic Wolftrain to Heaven follows his daughter BlueMoon, but this is a flashback of how he met his wife in a jazz club.

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D: I need to do art for my character, Antonio. He's a cute lil' brown boy. Fantastic art on all ya'lls though!! :smile:

some Japanese are brown my father has had some as students. I'm not restricting it to those of hispanic or african decent xd, ML in my novel "A Dozen Morning Glories" is a very brown Vietnamese man

he is brown, ( is not a joke , just seen brown oc's and thought he fit))

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18 days later

My female lead Mora Glass from "Crystal Blue" as a little kid

9 days later