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Jul 2024

All your colored characters. Let's get some peanut butter, brown sugar, some cocoa, and some molasses in here. (it's okay if your sketches are in black and white, just noting that canonically, these OCs have brown complexions)

This is My FL Alicia Palmero as drawn by lizardlullabye.

These are my leads Dominic and Essence, also drawn by lizardlullabye (crazy mad thanks). a brown king and black queen respectively

  • created

    Jul '24
  • last reply

    Sep '24
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Love me some hot chocolate! And the drink is pretty good too, I suppose.

This is Leander. He is Egyptian but was raised in Greece and now lives in western Canada. He is the husband of Owen and the father of Evander. His animal forms are a black horned owl and a black jaguar. This drawing was done for the Drawcember prompt Hot Chocolate. That is a whipped cream mustache he is sporting.

This is Evander. He is son of Leander and Owen and is thus dark skinned. His hair is curly orange/brown and he's covered in freckles. His animal forms are a red Osprey and a reddish-brown curly haired cheetah. He is the sexiest, most innocent cinnamon roll in my series. You can see his fathers Owen and Leander in the photograph on the wall:

Dionysius has dark skin with silver hair (his hair was always silver, it is not an age thing). He is Greek, but his skin is darker than the typical Greek (in Finding Daecon's Way the shapeshifters can have just about any skin or hair colour regardless of race - this includes green, blue, etc). In this image Dionysius (standing) can be seen talking to Leander, Owen, and Evander.

Daecon himself is dark skinned as well. His father Dionysius is Greek, his father Darion is Caucasian, but his skin is almost as dark as Dion's. Daecon has long, straight snow white hair (every hair on his body is white). His animal alternates are (so far) a white Royal Eagle, a white Royal Lion, and Daecon is unique among the shapeshifters in that he can form hybrid shifts, such as this eagle/human hybrid shown.

tell me i'm not the only one who thinks of Griff the musician when anyone is named Griff lol

XD. Hawwt chocolate as I call it, should definitely have some more representation

Oh I didn't know there was a musician named Griff! I had been thinking of a griffin when I named him, though he isn't a griffin ^^

I think her surname is Griffith so she goes by Griff. She's really good lol. And also a brown girl


Eman Cruz...

Akala Maya

So here's my sweet little Larry.

and his sweet mama.
there's also the rest of his family who might be shown in a future chapter or most likely in Vol.2

mmm, probably not quite what i meant by brown XD, because most people can tan at least slightly, but i guess it's fine