58 / 59
Feb 5

The story is about Justin meeting a dried-out alraune plant monster named Vivian in the woods around his grandpa's farmland. He decides to help her, starting a friendship between the two with dramedy slice-of-life adventures ensuing as you see the characters grow up and older.

Imagine a fusion of Bewitched and Cutie Honey with added sprinkles of psychedelia, 2000s Cartoon Network and Dutch culture.

I thought it might be something of that sort but I wasn't sure XD

On the right is our blind young male lead, Izzimar, an Umbran elf. A brash-foulmouthed spellcaster in training. Here, he meets our young female lead, Arjana, for the first time. He's never met a human up close before, so Arjana was willing to let him "see" her. The first thing he checks for is if she has horns like him. Nope! Just locks!

I think i've seen the emo before but not the guidance counselor, what's his name?

I never refer to my characters by their actual names on forums LOL (I’ll start doing that more…)
The guidance counselor is Lee! He stopped aging at 33 and he is a vegan vampire

lol, a vegan vampire, now I'm thinking about the phineas and ferb zombie vegetable debate

11 days later

He's kind of a mix of the Beast and werewolves. I tried to make him hide his werewolf features when out in public

1 month later

Wow, kudos to all the wonderful main male characters! What a great and interesting variety! :grinning:

In comparison mine isn't that special. Just a demonlord, a warrior, named N'Arahn. He's a jerk, but I like him. :yum:

(Used a pose by ShadowInkWarrior for the drawing.)