Genre: Fantasy / Action Adventure / Magical Quest / Magical Girl/Boy / LGBTQ+
Synopsis: Evalieh defies his society, gets thrown out, and lands on an island of magical clans that dub him their savior with only one year to accomplish his goal or succumb to the evil clan and die. This unusual and magical land challenges everything Evalieh has ever known. He slowly warms towards the people and his task, so he quests to gather 6 magical tears, save the island, and secure his path home. Along the way he meets his first real set of friends, Hanali, child of the Sun Clan, and Otta, Wolf prince of the Warrior Clan. Together, these three set out to stop the evil clan.
Novel Clan Royale: War of the Sun
Original Novel version of my comic, "STARFALL"
BL Novel Fish Out of Water
Synopsis: Elick is down on his luck, he can't get a job, stuck at home with family, and all in debt. However, he has a dear pet fish that he can trust and tell his secrets to, until one day it goes missing and a mysterious man lands on his lap. From then on, Elick's life is turned upside down as he tries to navigate his daily life and hide this mysterious person.