9 / 14
Sep 2022


Hello everyone! I want to print my comic's first volume and I think some of you might be interested! you can also share your comics here! bonus if it's LGBT+ or about demons!

Amèlia dies and gets sent to Hell, where she has to work under the first and famous Prince of Hell, Lucifer, to pay for her sin of pride. The glamorous prince plans to make a grand return and conquer Heaven for all of demonkind. But how will he pull off such a large-scale conquest?

Black Wings is a comic book written by Ari Kiss and drawn by Sami Luu, two young LGBT+ guys who create different projects related to art and design, giving them their rebellious and, at the same time, skeptical point of view.

The elaborate comic talks about philosophical and social issues with metaphors embodied by demons, angels and other highly attractive and complex characters that live in a dreamlike Hell.
If you donate, you can choose different types of rewards, the main one being the comic book, which consists of 74 pages in full color and in A4 format, but you can also accompany it with different exclusive merchandising items. You can choose the comic in catalan, spanish or english.

Here is the crowdfunding link:
For more information you can watch this presentation video we made about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk3mFSg4kQw&ab_channel=SamiLuu2

Sharing is appreciated!!:heart:

here is the comic:

Some pages & art:

Can't wait to see your works too!

  • created

    Sep '22
  • last reply

    Oct '22
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Congratulations on launching your funding campaign! But I'm really sorry to have to say, I think this kind of thread might be against forum rules? :sweat_01:

I'm not 100% sure, but I once posted to advertise my friend's kickstarter and promptly had the mods called on me, because we're "not meant to make posts that solicit sales".

I'll just flag this one up with the mods and hopefully they can deal with it or let us know if it's okay.

A shame the thread might not be in the forum's rules, but best of luck, Samiluu!

(unfortunately, while the video works, the CF page leads to a 404... :c)

Just wanted to wish you luck before this got taken down! I'm not sure if this is your first crowdfund, but I know mine was pretty exciting. Be sure to advertise it everywhere, and a lot! Also don't be discouraged if things slow down in the middle of the campaign, it's usually in the beginning and the last week or so when you get the most traffic. At least from what I've seen.

thank you so much! yes, it's my first campaign :blush: and thanks, I had this in mind, i'm just afraid I only get people I already know into it...

oh, okay! thank you so much! in this same post, or you mean making more posts about some process facts?

1 month later

closed Oct 30, '22

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