4 / 12
May 2022

Hello! Thanks for taking a peek here!

I'm Nim, long time writer (About 15 years of writing in English under my belt, 17 total for writing in any language). I enjoy a variety of genres, and also try experimenting writing for different types!
I have one completed story that was published, and a second, ongoing story, that is a different genre than this, and overall excited to work on all because writing is my life-long passion. Only in more recent years did I start feeling more comfortable sharing my stories online.

The light novel I'm working on is a Exploration / Slice of Life / Low Fantasy story, following a tourist, Norae, who comes to the continent of Iriadu, and convinces a local to the city she first arrives in to accompany her as she sets out to explore every country in Iriadu.
The story contains elements of magic and magical technology (dubbed Magitech), but no other humanoid races. If you desire an except from the story, you can check it out below! (Beginning of the first chapter)

Descending through the clouds, the Cruiser-class airship "Zolas One" slowly approached the port city. Settling into the waters below, the Zolas parked in the port. Bridges quickly extended out to the port, and the more impatient of the guests quickly started to get off, before the captain could even make his announcement.

"The Zolas One has reached its destination, the capital city of Ochor, Andoport. You may spend the next hour on board, but afterwards you will need to get off, in order to allow our staff to prepare for the return voyage. Please make your way off in an orderly fashion."

As the captain proceeded to thank the crew for their work so far and the guests for choosing them for their travel, Norae slowly steadied herself in her cabin.

"Ugh. I don't care how much longer it takes to return, I'll take an actual sea boat back home." Norae mumbled as she focused on steading her sight and legs. It took her the next half hour to properly pack her things, and by then she managed to regain her proper sense of equalibium. After thanking some of the staff herself, Norae headed off the cruiser, and stopped once she was on the dock.

(This is Norae, one of the two main characters of the story. Made with an online character creator, Charat Genesis.)

Now, for my request.
This is a passion project of mine, and thus I am looking for a collaborator who could get as excited about the concept present as I feel about it. I have written base concepts about the world, to be able to write the first chapter and thus have an example of the two main characters and their interactions. However, anyone who comes on board will have a open hand in helping build, or completely reshape the concepts. The first chapter isn't published yet for that exact purpose. Leave it open for change before posting.

Now, while I intend for this to be long-term project, I'll start small for my request, and only ask for a cover art for the story. More pieces can be discussed upon once the story concepts have been presented, and the collabrator have shown interest in working further on the story.
My personal goal is for the story to last several volumes (my ideal is 10 volumes), and to publish the story. But I will do proper marketing research and save up money, so that when the time comes, I can push it out there properly.

Portfolio for examples of my past writings -
Now, as for my portfolio -
1 Published novel, Behind the Moon's Touch - Urban Fantasy / Thriller - https://www.amazon.com/dp/169619914X5 (Preview chapters available)
1 Ongoing novel on Royal Road - The Celestial Venture - Sci-fi / Adventure - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/53379/the-celestial-venture (Free to read entirely)

Contact Info -
You can contact me in the three following ways! (I'll check all three daily)
1) Email me - nimthenom@gmail.com
2) Twitter DM - @NimtheNom
3) PM me here!

If you have any further questions, you can feel free to leave them here, or contact me!

And I am aware this can be a lot of commitment. This is why I am more inclined to do this as a full on collaboration rather then just - me write, artist draws what I write.

  • created

    May '22
  • last reply

    Jun '22
  • 11


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You mentioned you will pay the artist in the future. When will you pay the artist and how will the payment be done? And if you plan to pay the artist in the future will there be a budget? The artist might feel ripped off if you don't have some sort of agreement of before-payment budget. Lots of chances for miscommunication here.

Edit: So I re-read your post and I'm not quite sure you meant you'll pay the artist afterwards or you'll pay some future artist you'll collaborate with in future works. Please clarify.


Basically, they want someone to work to make Full colored Covers for 3 Novels (1 completed novel, two on the making), and 2 inner images per chapter
Which, according to them are going to have around 20-30 chapters, so if we think a in between number, 25, they want 50 images for a series of novels that'll be 10... so basically
10 Covers
500 images for the total 10 volumes, 2 per chapter.

Basically, they are not paying the artist right now, for the amount of work, nor compensation for spending time and effort on a long term project. Seems to be the classical "once we make profits we'll split the earnings"

Which, doesn't seem to be there many benefits for the artist, too much work and time invested in something that is just a promise, that'll depend if the novels once published sell properly. Offering the artist to provide to an alreadty existing universe, world, and story doesn't seem to be too benefitial for them, neither the this seem to be an actual collaboration since it's not building something from the ground between two and then combine their strenghts.

As well, if someone claims that they've been drawing for 15 years, then the best if they are so convinced that they are going to publish these novels and are going to be sell successfuly, then it'll be best to provide previous published works, awards or anything that could validate either the talent/time of the artist.

I mentioned that I hope to pay in the future. Like I said, I understand this is a lot of work, and this is exactly why I wanted to have an open communication from the get go, to avoid misunderstandings.

And what I meant is that I hope to be able to pay the artist I collaborate with in the future. And this is also why I want to take time doing this, and not rush through all the work planned. So that me and the artist have a chance to continue collaborating on this, so that they feel like proper collaborators with the story and like I said, not just an employee.

This is why I put it down as unpaid and not paid work. I tried to phrase it so that it is understood I don't wish to make a promise I won't be able to keep, but that I am hopeful about the novel series.

I hope that helps clarify some things.

Heck yeah I’ll do it! That actually sounds like an epic story mate. I can draw manga and anime style so I’m up for the challenge. You don’t actually have to pay me for this at all because reading that was like the best thing I’ve seen in 2 months.
My discord: MerukoShinn#3430
Little sketch I just made is below

Well, when you put it like that, yeah, I look like the complete jerkwad that plans ahead. Definitely not my intention.

Only things I can clarify are the following notes, and hopefully this will help make things more understandable from my side.

1) I meant one image per chapter or every two chapters. So hopefully that reduces the amount from what you already mentioned. And honestly, thinking about the reduced amount after you did calculations for an over-estimation already makes me feel like I should be asking instead for a piece of art per 5, maybe even 10 chapters instead. Writing request posts at a late hour of day was my mistake.

2) Only one of the novels I mentioned in the 'about me' part is one that is included, and that is one that only has a single chapter to it. The world has a base concept to it, leaving lots of room for me and the artist and to collaborate and expand upon the world together. And I wrote the 1st chapter as an initial taste for the 2 main characters, which I hope is understandable.

3) The part about writing for 15 years was meant to serve as a touch of confidence in my world-building skills. I do have a published novel (the completed one), which does not require any art, but it did not sell because admittedly, I lack in the marketing skills departing and tried doing it on my own. That is why it is something I intend on not repeating, by both doing proper research on the topic, and save up of my own money to be able to push the novel out there in a more proper manner.

I truly hope this helps clear I didn't mean to come off as a person with ill intentions. Looking the post again, I reckon I should maybe take it down myself and instead of putting up all the unneeded details, instead just put up the more appropriate facts.

1) That the novel currently has 1 chapter to it, thus still barely established, aside from some concepts I wrote down to help me begin it. And those can be adjusted too.
2) That I am looking for an artist collaborator to help me build it up, with the end goal being publishing the novel, and I'll pay of my own cash to help push it out it after doing research about how to best market it.
3) That I want to aim for it to be a long term novel series, but also don't want to push the artist, and how they can feel open to tell me if my expectations are too unreasonable.

I would provide a link to my published novel, but seeing this isn't the right forum to do so, I am willing to DM a link to it. I will likely also post about it later today in the Promotion forum, as would be more appropriate.

  1. Is still 2 drawings x 20 or 30 panels as you already stablished.
  2. It still seems to be a world that you'll be controlling the most. And assuming by the lenght of the project in it's overall image, seems that you have a base for most of it.
  3. If you claim to have years of experience, provide samples, be it a portfolio, awards, published works, free to read samples, etc.

You're still looking for someone to do work for free over promises of payment, on a long term project. More than someone with ill intentions you come up as someone who lacks the experience they claim to have, a clear missconception of what a collaboration is and underestimating the labor of the artist. Showing a portfolio while looking for a collaborator is not against the rules, so you can add that type of work for as long your post stays on focus and doesn't pretend to be a promotional post.

If you were to request just a single piece, one single drawing, that'll be more acceptable, however, you're requesting 2 art per chapter and you're mentioning quantity of those in general, and as well giving the overall image of the long-term project even if you're taking it slowly and just focusing on a single chapter.

I'm sorry, I guess I let myself drown in thoughts of how to still showcase my passion for the idea without making it seem bland.

As for controlling the world, no? Definitely not my intention. Collaboration means they'll have equal say in how things can go for the characters, how the world around them is shaped up to be. Even if I came up with base concepts, they have every bit of say regarding how to expand upon everything.
I can see how the length of the project can be indicative as such, but it is more that I don't wish to cause burnout on either side. I've been burnt out on just writing one story too much during one short period, and I know it can be greatly unhealthy for artists to continously work like that. Hench why your math made me deem you were right and I clearly should not have put up estimates while writing late night.

Now, as for my portfolio -
1 Published novel, Behind the Moon's Touch - Urban Fantasy / Thriller - https://www.amazon.com/dp/169619914X4 (Preview chapters available)
1 Ongoing novel on Royal Road - The Celestial Venture - Sci-fi / Adventure - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/53379/the-celestial-venture4 (Free to read entirely)

I'll edit all this to the main post right now, if that is what you are actually trying to get me to do. Going around things without directly teling me tends to go over my head the first time.

Edit - Fixed the main post. Sorry it took me over a day >.>

1 month later

closed Jun 8, '22

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