12 / 118
Mar 2021

Tell me what you think in the comments!

Got plenty to go through. Just might become a new reader too. :wink:

Sure, I'll toss mine in!

Do you have anything we can check out in return? Also here's my novel. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but hey.

I might have already sent my link before but here goes anyway.

This is mine. And now I shall go and read some of the other works posted here.

Ah yeah, I do have a comic but I don't want to force anyone to check it, I don't expect anything in return. There's a link to my tapas page in my bio though if you want to check it.

@Messaff well this is awkward, I'm already subbed so I can't like pages because I have already hearted them :sweat_smile:

Oh this sounds great, it would be awesome if you read mine too :smiley:

Here is my novel. I hope you enjoy and I have others too.

Ooh, thanks for this! :slight_smile:
Here's my novel!

As longs as you wait for the bus, you can have a good laugh with my series! New episodes every Sunday.

Here I am :slight_smile: I think you and I have already seen each other's but in case anyone else wants to give a look at mine lol

cheers for doing something like this. Here's a fantasy novel :slight_smile:

Thanks for doing this.

Cheers, that's really cool! Consider checking mine out?