12 / 37
May 2022

Hey, that second one actually doesn't look half-bad! :'D


(p o s t m u s t b e a t l e a s t 2 0 c h a r a c t e r s )

Absolutely brilliant. Fredo is my new favorite face in all versions.

Osram is cute in all versions, you can not convince me different! :smiley:


Here is the grumpy Captain Smiles:

and the mirrors:

I think this one makes him look a little more angry

I think his mouth looks pretty cute LOL

Nothing wrong about the hair it's just anime :joy:
And the tie! (mirror 2)

Oh god. Mistakes were made. I may have gone too far with this.

Face #1 isn't too bad:

A little weird-looking, sure, but not too bad.

Face #2 apparently is slightly 3/4 view...:

...which I didn't notice right away until I... yeah.

Face #3 Looks kinda sexy before I mess with it...

...Less-sexy afterward.

Face #4's side glance totally won't make this look cursed...

...or I could be wrong...

Face #5 is shocked-- shocked!!-- at all of these horrors!

Too late! She IS one!