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Jun 2022

Hello, my name is Ella N. and I am the operator of an original manga series, created by Ariel J. - Indra’s Net.

We are looking for a scriptwriter for the manga, preferably people with experience or academic background in screenwriting.

The overall theme, story, and characters have already been laid out. You are responsible for developing and writing specific plots for each chapter in a “writers’ room” fashion. This will be a part-time job with a negotiable hourly salary. The initially required time for a week is only 5 hours or so, but we are open to long-term partnership in the future.

If you are interested, feel free to visit the pitch we have set up on our website, read through more specific requirements for this position, and apply there through the “Apply Now” button on the website where you can leave information in the Google Form so we’ll know more about you.
Feel free to contact me through ellang@indrasnet-manga.com if you have any questions after reading through the pitch and the application process. I’m looking forward to working with you.

  • created

    Jun '22
  • last reply

    Jul '22
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  • 829


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It looks like the website is here:

If I'm doing the maths correctly, for $1000-3000 a month, you're looking for an average of 33+ pages per month for the next two and a half years without breaks (to complete the total 1000 pages you expect your series to run for). That's certainly ambitious....

Here's some info on pay rates for full-time comic artists, as laid out by a lawyer who seems to specialize in comic contracts: https://www.creativecontractconsulting.com/c3blog/2019/5/22/a-simple-guide-to-page-rates-royalties-and-other-work-for-hire-compensation-in-comics10

Freelance artists seem to get at least $175 USD for pencils + inks, paid per page instead of a monthly rate. For a 20-page chapter, you're looking at at least $3500 just for the art. In the US or Canada, $1000 might not even cover an artist's rent, nevermind food or other bills.

It's important to note that most of the artists on this forum aren't working for hire; they're making comics for themselves, often on top of jobs or other commitments. We tend to work slowly as a result (ah, guilty). Making professional-quality comics at the speed you're asking for is a full-time job, and should be compensated fairly.

1 month later

closed Jul 7, '22

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