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Mar 2020

Hey everyone,
I am Enrique Rosado, and I am a writer. I have experienced writer as I have a webcomic called Burnt Out Comics, where I work with Artist Oscar Fernandez (Link). I have two self-published novels (Shore & Shore Balance) and have written plays that have been in small productions. All can be found on my website www.erosado.com

I am looking to adapt a story I wrote about two couples that get trapped in a convenience store by a storm. Marcy wants to break up with her boyfriend Lou, but the problem is he is a demon who has her heart, kidney, and lungs. This would extend to a series as this is a story that is already written and has a definite ending. We can discuss the length of the project further so that it better fits everyone's needs. I want this to be a collaborative piece where we each take a share of portions, but I am open to discussions about pay.

I am interested in seeing your art style and am accepting of any levels. Please PM here or DM on Instagram at @writerrosado. Start the message off with TAPAS FORM, so I know what it is about, please.

Thank you for your time.

  • created

    Mar '20
  • last reply

    Mar '20
  • 3


  • 141


  • 2


  • 2



please review our collaboration guidelines and revise your post accordingly. There is some required information that is currently missing.

closed Mar 10, '20

unlisted Mar 10, '20