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Mar 18

This is currently Looking for an artist to make a collaborative project with no direct payment. However, I am willing WebNovel cover just to offer full credit make the covers for the artwork, promotion of the artist's portfolio on social media, and if WebNovel is monetized in the future, we can discuss a fair share of the profits.first volumes

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"A webnovel"...you could at least tell the genre and give a short summary
what the story is about :smiley:

Here is some advice which is meant to make it easier for you to find an artist.

Prepare following things:
-summary of the story / define the genre
-turn your webnovel into a comic book script
-make character sheets for every character
(you can do this without being able to draw,
some people use character creation apps, you
can also use games which include a chacter creator
to make turnarounds)
-collect or create all reference that the artist can use. Backgrounds,
3d models, rooms etc
-turn your comic book script into thumbnails with explainations
for the artists. The thumbnails don´t have to be drawn, they can
only include text or they can be screenshots from movie scenes,
reference pictures etc.