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Feb 2016

It's my little sister's favourite animal so I want to find some webcomics with them.

I'm not having the best of lucking finding comics with them as characters. They don't have to be main characters, can just be secondary or animal sidekick. It just needs an octopus character.

No porn please. Not sure why this is something I have to stress but when it comes to making requests for octopus drawings online I learned it's something I have to mention...

Edit: Bonus points of the octopus is not pink... she hates that colour like you wouldn't believe (though she often lets it slide for octopus she would still prefer ANY other colour)

  • created

    Feb '16
  • last reply

    Mar '16
  • 14


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  • 12


She's not super young and can handle mature story lines and such, but yeah generally even if the series is meant for little kids if it has an octopus in it she will love it.

While on the flipside she gets creeped out is octopus is weirdly used in... suggestive... ways... as that's not what her favourite animal is for and it makes her sad.

I'm not exactly sure if there are any octopi in Strawberry Seafoam2, but I would imagine there might be since the whole series is set in the ocean, plus it's super cute <3

Maybe try ASCENT1
Well it has a giant kraken I believe... and the character finds a cute squid-looking something as a friend so... maybe it'll be to her taste.

It's not a comic, but Brian Kesinger has a series of fantastic pictures called Otto and Victoria3 starring a girl and her octopus. I've always loved this series! It's not pink either!

have u seen Assassintaion classroom? the teacher is octopus and it has moral lesson too. and the funny thing is that the students need to kill their octopus teacher so that can save the world and get 1 billion yen even though the octopus is a nice guy. it is interesting since the teacher has dark past too i think her human girlfriend was a human teacher. also this comic is also was animated smiley

one of my characters have an octopus hybrid assistant
but at the rate I'm publishing he will debut in like 3 months
also, my story is about zombies (no gore, but there's blood and eventual deaths) so not sure how interested she would be. In case here is the link Bite Madness
On a sidenote I second the notion of assasination classroom, the title is tricky but is more of a comedy

The animated series Baman Piderman has a green octopus like thing in it. It appears after a few episodes. This show is hilarious.

Don't know if it fits her interests or are appropriate for her age but I have a science fiction story myself with a squid in one of the lead roles. It contains some nudity a few places but nothing that I myself would call "adult" material.

My sis is loving these links so far (duno if she is subscriber or adds comics to her bookmarks tbh so not sure if anyone viewers counts went up) but that Oct-Samurai one she is in love with even tough there's not much there yet.